In Memory of Sylvain Proulx
It is with profound sorrow that the family announces the sudden passing of Sylvain Proulx on Wednesday October 6th 2021 of a heart attack at the age of 65. Sylvain also suffered from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.
Son of the late Maurice Proulx and the late Jacqueline (Binet). Cherished brother of Renée Lalonde and brother-in-law Yvon Lalonde.
Loved uncle to Philippe and Ren, Michel and Cecilia. Sylvain was a great uncle to Ben and Noah whom he adored.
Sylvain worked at Canada Post until he retired in 2012.
He loved to travel, enjoyed the cottage and spending time with us.
He will be forever missed and fondly remembered always.
There will be a visitation on Sunday November 14th at 10am followed by a mass at 11am and a reception from 12pm until 2pm at Heritage Funeral Complex 1250 Trim Rd Orleans
In lieu of flowers Sylvain’s charities were the Ottawa Food Bank and the Ottawa Mission.
A Renée et famille.
Mes tres sinceres condoleances a toi Renée et ta famille.
Je pensait a Sylvain quelques jours avant son décès. Je pensait a quand nous travaillons ensemble et comment son sense d’humour m’a toujours fait rire.
Il va etre manqué pas plusieurs
Jean-Charles Tassé (JC)
Very sorry for your loss we will always remember Sylvain fondly, our deepest condolences Charlie and Cathe.
Chère Renée et famille,
Mes sincères condoléances et plus profonde sympathie.. J’ai eu le coeur brisé lorsque j’ai apprise le décès de ton frère Sylvain, ancien collègue chez Postes Canada. Un collègue de travail que j’ai tellement apprécié; ses franches discussions, ses histoires, sa bonté, sa générosité, nos fous-rires. Je garde de beaux souvenirs de notre croisière à Hawaii entre amis. Il nous a quitté beaucoup trop jeune – repose en paix mon cher Sylvain. Renée, Yvon et les enfants, mes pensées et prières vous accompagnent durant ces moments difficiles.
Sylvie (Roy) Ouellette
Ancienne collègue chez Postes Canada 1975-2015
To Sylvain’s family, I am so sorry for your loss. I remember speaking with Sylvain often (at Canada Post) he was always so pleasant, quick with a smile and a laugh.
May he Rest In Peace ♥️
Silvia My God father was always considered family to the Renon family. His mother was best friends with my mom. Sending all my thoughts and prayers to Rene and her family . We are so sorry to hear about his passing.
Work with Sylvain at Head Office Great Guy.R.I.P
Mes sympathies a Renee et a la famille de Sylvain. J’ai travaille avec Sylvain durant les annees 70. Il etait tellement gentil et aussi tres drole. J’en garde un tres bon souvenir. Repose en paix Sylvain.
I just found out about Sylvain. I had so much fun working with him at Canada Post. He used to drive me home at night.
Lots of memories. My condolences to his family. I know it is late .Take care Barbara Martin