In Memory of Sr Lillian Clark
Sr Lillian Clark, née à Brendenbury en Saskatchewan, le 15 février 2036(Sr Mary Georgia of the Cross), Fille de la Sagesse depuis 61 ans, est décédée à Ottawa On le 25 mai 2022 à l’âge de 86 ans. Elle était la fille de feu George Clark et de feu Georgeline Lavallée. Elle laisse dans le deuil ses consoeurs religieuses ainsi que ses sœurs : Marjorie(John) Murphy, Jeanette (James) Popplow, et Noreen Duchene. Ses funérailles auront lieu à une date ultérieure. Vous pouvez exprimer vos condoléances en envoyant un don aux Filles de la Sagesse à l’adresse suivante : Fonds Missi Sagesse-fondation internationale Roncalli, 9001, boulevard de l’Acadie, bureau 700, Montréal (QC) H4N 3H5
Sr Lillian Clark, born in Brendenbury on February 15, 1936 ( Sr Mary Georgia of the Cross ) Daughter of Wisdom for 61 years, passed away in Ottawa, on May 25th 2022 at the age of 86 years old. She was the daughter of the late George Clark and Georgeline Lavallée. She is survived by the Daughters of Wisdom in her religious community and by her family sisters: Marjorie (John) Murphy, Jeanette (James) Popplow, Noreen Duchene, as well as many nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at a later date. Your condolences may be expressed by sending a donation to the Daughters of Wisdom at the following address: Fonds Missi-Sagesse– Fondation Internationale Roncalli, 9001, boulevard de l’Acadie, bureau 700, Montréal (QC) H4N 3H5
Sister Mary Georgia was our Grade 10 Typing teacher at the The Couvent des Filles de la Sagesse on Montreal Rd. I think of her every time I sit at my computer, every time I type up an e-mail and every time I had to do report cards when I was a teacher myself. Sister Mary Georgia was a kind, warm person. She taught us a skill that I have used nearly every day for all these years.