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In Memory of Robert Jacques Roy

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Robert (Bob) Jacques Roy, décédé paisiblement et entouré de sa famille le 26 janvier 2024 à l’âge de 71 ans après avoir vécu courageusement avec le cancer.


Il était le fils de feu Louis Roy et de feu Cécile Roy (née Bruyère). Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée depuis 50 ans Debbi Roy (née Hilborn), ses enfants Stacey (Daniel) et Daniel (Mélissa), ses petits-enfants Louis et Alexi et ses beaux-petits-enfants Marc-André (Karine) et Audrey. Bob a été prédécédé par sa petite fille Julie.


Il laisse aussi dans la peine ses frères Denis (Suzanne), Bernard (Catherine), Michel (Lucie) et Roger (Caroline) et sa sœur Louise (André) ainsi que son beau-frère Bill (Margaret) et plusieurs tantes, cousins, neveux, nièces et amis.


Homme de métier compétent, Bob était un plombier, un monteur de tuyaux de vapeur et un monteur d’installations au gaz agréé qui a consacré plus de 30 ans de sa carrière au Conseil scolaire du district d’Ottawa-Carleton. Athlète talentueux, il a partagé sa passion pour les sports en tant qu’entraîneur auprès de l’Association de hockey mineur d’Orléans et de l’Association de balle rapide amateur d’Orléans. Amoureux de la nature, il aimait faire du bateau et pêcher au chalet qu’il avait construit. Historien amateur et généalogiste curieux, Bob a publié deux volumes de son livre « À la mémoire de mes ancêtres », qui explorent l’histoire d’Orléans et de sa famille. Avant tout, Bob était un mari, un père et un grand-père dévoué, généreux de son temps, de ses compétences et de sa sagesse. Il était toujours là pour partager un rire, aider à faire les réparations ou fournir des conseils judicieux.


La famille souhaite exprimer sa sincère gratitude aux médecins et aux infirmières de Bob pour leur gentillesse, leur soutien et les soins qu’ils lui ont prodigués pendant sa maladie.


Une célébration de la vie de Bob aura lieu le dimanche 18 février 2024 à 11h00 au Complexe funéraire Héritage (1250 chemin Trim, Orléans, ON).


Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à la Société canadienne du cancer seraient grandement appréciés.







It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Robert (Bob) Jacques Roy, who passed away peacefully and surrounded by family on January 26, 2024 at the age of 71 years after courageously living with cancer.


He was the son of the late Louis Roy and the late Cécile Roy (nee Bruyère). He leaves behind his beloved wife of 50 years Debbi Roy (nee Hilborn), his children Stacey (Daniel) and Daniel (Mélissa), his grandchildren Louis and Alexi and his step-grandchildren Marc-André (Karine) and Audrey. Bob was predeceased by his infant daughter Julie.


He also leaves in sorrow his brothers Denis (Suzanne), Bernard (Catherine), Michel (Lucie) and Roger (Caroline) and his sister Louise (André) as well as his brother-in-law Bill (Margaret) and many aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and friends.


A skilled tradesperson, Bob was a licenced plumber, steamfitter and gasfitter who dedicated over 30 years of his career to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. A talented athlete, he shared his passion for sports as a coach with the Orléans Minor Hockey Association and with the Orléans Amateur Fastball Association. A lover of nature, he enjoyed boating and fishing at the cottage he built. A curious hobby historian and genealogist, Bob published two volumes of his book “À la mémoire de mes ancêtres” (In Memory of My Ancestors), which explore the history of Orléans and his family. Above all, Bob was a devoted husband, father and grandfather who was generous with his time, skills and wisdom. He was always there to share a laugh, help with home repairs or provide sound advice.


The family wishes to express their sincere gratitude to Bob’s doctors and nurses for their kindness, support and care during his illness.


A celebration of Bob’s life will be held on Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at Heritage Funeral Complex (1250 Trim Road, Orléans, ON).


In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated.

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In sympathy and caring, my heart goes out to you Debbie. Such a beautiful love story , and such a great loss. May all that you have built together, hold Bob warmly in your broken heart. Hugs to Stacey and Dan , to Denis and Bernie, Michel, Roger and Louise.

Nos plus sincères condoléances. On vous souhaite tout le courage nécessaire pour traverser cette épreuve.

My thoughts are with you all – I have many fond memories of Bob playing his guitar in your back yard, his sense of humor and generosity.
Please accept my condolences during this difficult time.

To the Roy Family,

We are deeply sorry for your loss.
I had the pleasure to work with Bob, as a fellow plumber for many years at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board.
He was skilled in many trades and readily shared his advice and expertise.
He had many other talents, a writer, athlete, and hockey coach. He Loved spending time with his family at their cottage built by him.

Bob had a beautiful family. We are certain that he left many memories that will sustain
you all during this time of mourning, and will remain in your heart each day.
We want to extend our sincere condolences.
Our gracious God will be with you to give you comfort and peace.
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

We are saddened tat we are unable to attend the services, as we are away.
A donation in Bob’s memory will be made to The Canadian Cancer Society.
Rest In Eternal Peace Robert (Bob)🙏🌹💓

Mario & Antonietta Mariani

To the Roy Family,

We are deeply sorry for your great loss.
I had the pleasure to work with Roy for many years at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board.
He was skilled in many trades, and readily shared his knowledge and expertise.

Roy had a beautiful family and we’re certain
That he left many memories which will sustain you during this time of mourning, and will remain in your heart each day.

We want to extend our deepest condolences.
Our gracious God will be with you to provide comfort and peace. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

We regret that we are unable to attend the funeral as we are away.
A donation will be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Rest In Eternal Peace Robert (Bob).

Mario & Antonietta Mariani
6 Aspen Grove

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille de Robert et la famille Roy. Que Dieu vous bénisse et veille sur vous pendant ce moment de tristesse. Ecc 3:1  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecc 3:2  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Good bye Sweetie.
You were a gentle man with a heart of gold. You will be greatly missed.
Sincere condolences and best of courage to Debbie and your family. Rest in peace, you know that Debbie is well surrounded.
It is with sadness that I say “Adieu” (which means that your soul is with God). Watch over us all. We will meet again.
Love, your Sweetie Sue.

Robert a été un fier compagnon très respectable, chaleureux, toujours joyeux, sensible à tous et toutes, ses entourés et entourage, un ami sans pareille.
Robert a réussi à apporter beaucoup de rires et contributions à toutes conversations.
Robert avait une passion de défier les truites à toute heure des excursions de pêche, du levé du soleil, au coucher du soleil.
Debbie, imagine that Bob will now hear all your sayings and feel all your emotions and love for him. He will always be close to you.

Je suis avec vous en pensée et en prière, mes sympathies à la famille, Louise, Denis, Bernard, Michel et Roger!

Michel Marleau

Our deepest condolences to you Debbiie and your family and to the Roy family.. you are in our thoughts and prayers in these difficult times.

Mario & Ginette Lalande

Bob was certainly a man of many talents who was always kind enough to lend a hand to his friends at the lake. My deepest condolences go out to his wife Debbie, Danny, Stacey and all his grandchildren. Bob will be missed.

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Bob.
His obituary describes him to a T.
Bob was always there to lend a helping hand.
My sincere condolences to his loving wife and children as well to all the Roy family he has left behind.
He will be sadly missed but not forgotten.

J’ai appris hier seulement le décès de Robert. Je tiens à offrir mes plus sincères condoléances à chacun des membres de cette belle et grande famille Roy, mes amis Denis, Bernard, Michel, Roger et Louise. Une autre petite partie d’Orléans nous quitte. Là-haut, Louis et Cécile l’accueilleront avec leur amour et leur éternel sourire légendaire! Mes prières et pensées vous accompagnent. Bon courage!

Dear Debbi and Family … my deepest sympathy. Bob was a real nice guy. Always enjoyed seeing you guys at Lake O’Neil. I know what you are all going through; I lost my husband Peter on Dec. 17. Once again, so sorry for your lost.

We were deeply saddened to hear about the loss of a very dear friend. To the entire Roy family, please accept our family’s sincerest condolences.
Our family together mourns the passing of a very special man. Debbie, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Peace, prayers and blessings.

Dale & Bev Ptycia, Thomas & Tiffany + Henry Ptycia, Kate & Matthew + Jack Wood, James Ptycia & Jessica Ozorak.

“Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

From Stacey’s work family colleagues at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Our sincere condolences on your loss.

My deepest sympathy Debbie and family. Bob was a special friend to me. The memories we shared together at work, the long hours from dust to dawn at the cottage cutting down trees, making huge bonfires and working on major projects.
Memories of our fun times fishing, playing pool will be with me forever.
Rest in peace Buddy .

À toi ma chère Louise et à toute la famille, mes plus sincères condoléances. Mes pensées sont avec vous. Bon courage!

I wish to offer my deepest sympathy to you Debbi, Daniel and Stacey and the beloved grandkids. J’aimerais aussi offrir mes plus sincères condoléances à la grande famille Roy. Bob était un gars généreux, aimable, dévoué et aimait rendre service à tous ceux qui avaient besoin de son aide. Reposes en paix cher Bob et veille sur les tiens pour leur aider avec leur peine.

mes plus sinceres sympathies a Debbie et toute la famille. J’ai connu Bob au school board avant sa retraite bien mérité. Un homme comme Bob, il n’y en avait pas beaucoup, lui et Mario faisait bonne équipe. Bon repos Bob.

Il y a de ces personnes rares que l’on croise dans nos vies qui nous marque, tu en est une. Jamais on n’oubliera ton esprit curieux et de vouloir tout comprendre. Ta passion pour l’histoire et tes ancêtres t’ont captivé une bonne partie de ta vie et tu as su nous la partager. Ton rire contagieux restera toujours graver à notre mémoire.

Tu as su m’inspirer dans tous mes travaux de construction et de rénovation; j’étais fier de te montrer ce que j’arrivais à faire puisque tu savais si bien me coacher. Te souviens-tu de la fameuse fenêtre?! Tu nous as donné le coup de pouce que nous avions besoin et nous te serons toujours reconnaissants. Ton aide a continué suite à tes recherches pour le règlement de zonage ici qui a contribué à réaliser notre projet. Somme toute, tu étais toujours prêt à aider peut importe les défis que nous tous avions.

Je me souviens ado, j’étais en vélo et je suis arrêté chez toi complètement improvisé et nous avions beaucoup jasé; tous les sujets étaient captivants et cela m’avait marqué.

Puis quelle belle après-midi nous avons eu en bateau sur Black Pearl avec Debbi. J’avais si hâte de te le montrer et t’expliquer tous mes cadrans… grand capitaine que tu étais, tu as pris le volant et mine de rien, tu nous as conduit tout l’après-midi.

Quelle persévérance et courage tu as eu avec Debbi.

Ce n’est qu’un aurevoir Bob,
Roger et Caro, Alexandre et Félix-Olivier

Nous voulons offrir à la famille de Robert nos plus sincères condoléances.
La perte d’un être cher est une grande épreuve.
À la famille Roy nos pensées vous accompagnent ainsi que nos prières.

Our deepest condolences Debbi, Danny. Stacey and all family members. We were surprised to hear of this late yesterday. We spent an enormous amount of time with Bob and Debbi and their children Danny and Stacey in Orleans as a result of softball, hockey and fishing. I assisted Bob during his coaching period and have the ultimate respect for him. It was truly an honor. He always supported each and every player fairly and communicated with players, assistant coaches and parents professionally and with integrity. We have hundreds of metals and pictures to remind us, forever. Thanks Bob and Debbie. Truly appreciated and respected.

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