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Ayotte Pierrette

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In Memory of Pierrette Ayotte

Loving Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Great-Great-Grandmother, Aunt and friend.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear Mother, Pierrette Ayotte (nee Philion), who passed away on December 24th, 2022.

Pierrette was predeceased by her husband Jacques and her daughter Joan. Loving mom to Bob (Kathleen), Suzanne (Dan), Mike (Bernadette), James (Chantal), Joanne (Guy), Dave (Carole), and Jess. She will be sadly missed by her many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, a loving aunt to many nieces, nephews. Mom will also be missed by many friends.

A special thanks to our sister Jess, who devoted her life to taking care of our dear mother.  

The family will receive condolences at Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Rd., Orléans, on Saturday, January 21st, 2023 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. A celebration of her life service will follow at 1:00 pm in the Heritage Chapel. Please visit heritagefh.ca/obituaries/Pierrette-Ayotte/

A live stream of the service will also be available.

Many thanks to the wonderful staff at the Queensway Carleton Hospital 4th floor. In lieu of flowers please send a donation to the Ottawa Heart Institute or to Diabetes Canada in honour of Pierrette Ayotte.

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One hell of a roller coaster at the end with grandma but she always had a smile when I walked into a room and she was there. Grandma was important to me always knew how to make me laugh and feel loved when she was with me. And of course how could I ever forget

Love and miss your grandma
Till next time❤️🕊️

Mes sincères sympathies a toi Suzanne et a la famille Sauvé. J’ai de bons souvenirs de ta mère a Orléans.

To the wonderful woman who gave me my attitude, my patience and my solitude, I will forever be grateful for how far you have pushed me at school and all the love you have given me. You have always been a strong willed woman and I’m glad I get that from you. I thank you for helping raise me and being the best great grandmother anyone could of ever asked for. Till the end, you always asked me to come over and I never wanted to leave. I loved you more than anything, till we meet again grandma 🤍🕊️


We never know what to say when someone dies, mainly because no words can truly do justice to the loss of a respected and loved life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones during this difficult time. “My deepest sympathy for your loss.”

Our deepest sympathies to you Sue and Danny. A mother is such a big piece in a family. I know she will be greatly missed. My heart goes out to all the family.

Tu étais notre 2 eme Mom du projet lower
town.Je ne t’oublierai jamais car tu étais pour moi la femme la plus inspirante et encourageante ( juge ) que j’ai eu lorsque j’ai participé au couronnement de la reine et que j’ai gagné 3 eme place dans les année 80. Plusieurs souvenirs de toi et ta famille resteront gravé dans ma mémoires.Mes sincères condoléances à toutes la famille. Reposer en paix xxx

What a joy to have known you dearest Pierrette (darts). My deepest sympathy to your whole family who will miss you greatly. Rest in peace sweet lady.

Mes sinceres sympathies à la famille, je vous souhaite bon courage,. la perte d’un être cher n’est jamais facile. Reposser en paix Mme Ayotte xx

“Mother of the year 16 kids” A song we made for her many moons ago ❤️ cramped in the car driving us all to our dance practice .. never leaving no one behind. She recruited me.. i was dancing in my grandpas living room just 2 doors down from her. She saw my potential and love for dancing and invited me to join her group. What a great experience that followed me to many new adventures afterward … I will never forget the joy she brought into my life at a most crucial time. Thank you.. Much love ❤️
My condolences to the family. A true earth angel she was ❤️

Matante i will miss you so much, you had a Big heart always helping everyone. I always looked up to you , you were my mentor. People always said your just like your aunt that was a compliment to me . I remember dances at the patro and how protected you were of me. I also remember your blue convertible car and when you chauffeured my mom to her wedding . Great memories , and for this i thank you. Best matante ever love you and till we meet again RIP ❤️🙏🏼

To my Dear Mother in Law may you rest in peace a part of us is gone but you will never be forgotten your pain is now gone and you are finally at peace. I will miss our phone calls and visits but especially our annual trailer visit and trip to the Mohawk Casino for a little Mississippi Stud. You have been more than an in law to me especially since I lost my mom . I can’t thank you enough for all the years and for having my wife Sue.. May you live pain free in your new life and we know you will be watching over us . Until we meet again Rest in Peace . PS get the wooden spoon ready for Pappy lol

my deepest sympathy go out to all your family Pierrette.i enjoyed the times we were together talking and just enjoying each other’s company in my heart I will never forget you even though we each went our own way as we were raising our children

Mes sincères condoléances à Bob, Suzanne, Michel, James, Joanne, David et Jessica, ainsi que tous les autres membres de la famille. Je l’appelais toujours “Mom”. Elle était une mère protectrice et d’un grand coeur. Elle était aussi une femme de foi. Nous avions une bonne relation et une belle complicité dans le temps. La dernière fois que nous avons jasé, c’était une rencontre par hasard au restaurant à Rockland. Elle était avec Jacques et Jess et ils revenaient du mariage de Mike. J’étais contente de la revoir. Mes pensées et prières vous accompagnent pendant cette période difficile. Que son âme repose en paix. Elle vous a aimés de tout son coeur! Bon courage à vous. xo

Mes condoléances les plus profondes pour la perte de votre maman adorée. 😘
Vous aurez toujours un bel ange à vos côtés pour veiller sur vous tous et toutes. Mes pensées et prières vous accompagnent dans ces moments difficiles. Bon courage 💜
Repose en paix chère tante Pierrette 😇 🌹

Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille. Vous êtes dans mes pensées dans ce moment très difficile, pas facile de perdre une Maman. J’ai tellement de bons souvenirs et beaux moments avec Mme Sauvé/ma coach de balle au Patro, une femme vraie avec un grand coeur ❤ RIP xo
p.s.: je vais faire le message à tante Lise et oncle Marcel Lacombe.

Chère Jess et famille,
Mes sympathies pour le départ de Mamie. C’est ainsi que ma famille et moi la nommions, elle si petite et si forte à la fois. Quand elle avait un opinion, elle y tenait et rien ne pouvait la faire changer. Elle était très généreuse et aimait mes enfants comme s’ils étaient de sa descendance. Elle était directe et honnête et, à ses côtés, nous savions ses vrais perceptions sans détour. Elle nous accueillait toujours à bras ouverts et se demandait quand nous reviendrions la visiter.
Paix à ton Âme, Mamie.
Je prie pour vous tous.

Mom’s smiling face….her frowning eyebrows, her tender words and harsh attitude, she was like all other, she had her strengths and weaknesses. These are memories now. I surely miss you Mom. Thank you for all the blessings sent my way. Thank You for all your time and energy. Your devotion and love. I love you and I will see you soon. Your daughter, Joanne xx0


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