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De Roth Laszlo

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In Memory of Laszlo De Roth

It is with great sadness that we share with you the loss of our beloved husband, father and grandfather at the age of 80. Laszlo De Roth passed away peacefully at home in Ottawa on the afternoon of November 22nd, 2021, surrounded by his loving wife and children.

He leaves behind his wife of 51 years, Henriette Zichy; his daughters Geory and husband Henri Justino, Alice and husband Jonathan Roy and his son Egon and wife Liz-Mary Kattackal and his grandchildren Leia, Julia, Matias, Caleb, Teresa, Jasmine, Sonia and Rayna.  We have all been very blessed to have such a warm, loving, joyful, faith filled, humorous and encouraging father and husband.  His presence, counsel and wisdom will be remembered and greatly missed by all.

Laszlo was born in Budapest, Hungary and following the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, immigrated to Canada as a political refugee. He is a graduate of College Notre Dame of Montréal, Université de Montréal and University of Guelph.

Laszlo De Roth, DMV, MSc, PhD, LTh, FSTLHE, was a distinguished professor of the Université de Montréal, published researcher and university administrator for 33 years.  He received numerous awards particularly for the quality and originality of his teaching. Among others he was a recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award of the Canadian Society for the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 

Laszlo was involved in various parishes, charities and missionary works in both Quebec and Ontario. He was also active in the renewal of the Cursillo Movement in Hungary.  He was proud to be a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus and for many years he was Lecturer of Council 1970.

Family and friends may pay their respects at Heritage Funeral Complex (1250 Trim Road, Orleans) on Thursday, November 25th from 7 to 9pm, as well as on Friday, November 26th from 9 to 10:15am. The Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Friday, November 26th at 11am at Paroisse St-Joseph d’Orléans (2757 St-Joseph Blvd, Orléans) followed by the interment at the adjacent cemetery.

The funeral ceremony will be virtually streamed and may be viewed live or on replay by following the link listed below.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Laszlo’s memory may be made to the following organizations:

“Jesus does not demand great actions from us 

but simply surrender and gratitude”

 St. Thérèse de Lisieux

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Henrietta and family, such a great loss, but such a life so well lived! May Laszlo be well rewarded for his suffering, and may you all receive deep consolation and peace. Laszlo was a good friend to my John, and for that friendship I am very grateful. My sincere condolences to you all.

Dear Henriette,
Our sincere condolences to you and your family.
Laszlo was a fine gentleman who touched many hearts. We consider ourselves blessed to have known him.
A Mass will be offered for him at our Parish Church.j
God Bless.

We were honoured to know László and family and be blessed by their far-reaching Cursillo ministry. László truly led by example and service. He embodied all seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. May his generous life be eternally rewarded and the suffering he offered up continue to strengthen Henni and his beloved family. László will remain an inspiration in our lives. We pray that you be comforted in your great loss.

I am truly saddened to learn Dr De Roth has passed. He was a brilliant, and unforgetable teacher, one of the best I have ever met.

Thank you for your passion and enthusiasm, Dr De Roth. Farewell.

All my thoughts to family, and friends.

Sincères condoléances à votre famille et aux amis du Dr De Roth. Je garde le souvenir d’un excellent et dévoué professeur. Une bien triste nouvelle.
Sylvie Latour, vétérinaire

Our Sincere Condolences Henriette for your beloved husband Laszlo! He was a very warm and caring husband to you and his family and was a holy man! Laszlo will be missed by all and it will be harder on you, but the good news is that we’ll all meet again one day at the same place! God bless you and your family!
I’ll be offering 3 masses for the repose of his soul!

Quelle triste nouvelle. Tous les étudiants/étudiantes qui l’ont eu comme professeur s’en souviendront comme un excellent et sympathique professeur. Toutes mes sympathies à ses proches.

Dear Henriette and Family,
Our deepest sympathies to you all.
Laszlo was a dear and kind Mentor and Holy man.
It is a Gift He leaves us, to call Our Him Friend.
Rest in Peace with the Lord now Laszlo.

À toute la famille

Au nom du regroupement des médecins vétérinaires retraités du Québec, je voudrais
vous présenter le témoignage de notre sympathie profonde et sincère à l’occasion du
décès du Dr Laszlo De Roth
Nos pensées les meilleures vous accompagnent. Puissent-elles vous apporter réconfort
et soutien.

Dr Gilles Lepage
Pour le ReVeR

Dear Alice and Family,

Thinking of you and your family and wishing you the peace that comes from knowing that his memory will shine forever.

An outstanding professor who touched and inspired hundreds of veterinarians in Quebec!
And such a great sense of humour!
Sincere condolences to his family and close friends.

Dear Henriette & family,
My deepest sympathy for your loss. Laszlo was a very good man. My childhood is filled with memories of all of us young families at Our Lady of Fatima.
May his soul be at peace with the Lord

Toutes mes sympathies. Quel talent de professeur. Je n’oublierai jamais les “lob dob lob dob “et sa façon imagée de nous transmettre son savoir.

I’ll never forget as a child visiting at the family house being welcomed by Lazlo’s ear to ear smile and his laugh! And at some point, he would usually be calling after Niffy the dog in Hungarian. I loved it!

He will be missed here – but heaven is lucky to welcome him in!

J’ai eu la chance d’avoir Dr De Roth comme professeur à la faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l’UdeM à Saint-Hyacinthe et je dois dire que c’était un excellent professeur, dynamique et intéressant. Il se donnait vraiment beaucoup pour nous apprendre les fondements de la cardiologie vétérinaire. Avec 2 autres collègues de ma promotion, nous avions demandé de pouvoir suivre un cours complémentaires sur les abeilles. Ce cours n’était pas donné de routine depuis longtemps et c’est Dr De Roth qui nous a pris en main. Je me souviens du voyage fort agréable que nous avons fait avec lui pour aller voir un centre de recherche sur les abeilles à Deschambault. Je ne l’ai pas revu depuis ce temps… 25 ans au moins.
J’ai eu un pincement au cœur en apprenant son décès. Je vous offre toutes mes sympathies. C’était un homme au grand cœur, notre prof de cardio !

Au nom de mes collègues, membres de l’Association des professeur.e.s retraité.e.s de la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire (APREs fmv) et en mon nom personnel, nous exprimons nos sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches.
Pédagogue, charismatique et sympathique, Laszlo a marqué positivement de nombreux étudiants et ses collègues.
Nous lui en sommes tous très reconnaissants.
Avec notre soutien et réconfort.
André Vrins
APREs fmv

To his family and friends,
Docteur De Roth a été une inspiration pour plusieurs étudiant-es vétérinaires durant toutes ces années. Sa grande expertise et son professionnalisme, tout en humour, m’ont toujours épatés et démontraient bien toute son humanité.
All my sympathies for his lost.
Lucie V.

À Henriette et aux enfants,
Johanne et moi vous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de Laszlo.. Ayant travaillé ensemble dans le même département de la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire pendant 30 ans, j’ai le plus grand des respects pour cet homme aux valeurs humaines admirables . Excellent pédagogue reconnu par ses pairs et particulièrement par les étudiants, il a fait sa marque en cardiologie, Laszlo était de contact facile, avec un jugement sûr et généreux dè ses excellents conseils. Il me manquera.
Bon courage à tous.
Daniel Barrette

It is with great sadness that Darryl and I both heard about Lazlo’s passing. He was a man that touched us so much and that we will remember always. He was so kind, so attentive and so willing to give himself to others. I don’t remember him ever refusing anyone. If there is anyone on this earth that I would like to emulate, it would be my dear friend Lazlo. We will miss him dearly and we offer our deepest sympathy to Henriette, Gerry, Egon and Alice and their families. We will remember his always in prayer. Décolores.

Deepest sympathies to Henriette and family on the loss of Laszlo de Roth. His wisdom and piety was of great support to the members of the “Our Lady of the Cape” Divine Mercy Cenacle.

Il m’a enseigné la cardiologie il y a 20 ans et je m’en souviens encore !! Très gentil et excellent professeur!
mes sympathies à toute la famille

There are no words which can ease the pain of the enormous loss you have. Then the knowledge that Laszlo is with our Lord and watches of his loved ones brings joy and happiness, The pictures of our friendship are all in my heart and I am grateful for the love and friendship I had with you all,
The pain will ease with the time, the memories never!
Isten áldását kérem Rátok, – De Colores

It has been a true privilege to get to know Laszlo and Henriette these past many years. I will always be so grateful for his help and advise on our Lenten Letters booklet. To know him was to know he was a very faith filled man and a man that was so proud of his children. It was a gift to know him. I will continue to pray for strength and courage for Henriette and their family.
God Bless until we meet again!

Mes plus sinceres condoléances a toute la famille pour la perte de ce merveilleux personnage .
Je garde un excellent souvenir de ce confrere attachant et tres serviable et au grand coeur.
Quels bons moments passés ensemble a sa ferme de ST Simon…

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille, il était un excellent professeur!
Marie Archambault
Université de Montréal

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille du Dr De Roth. Il est de ces professeurs qui furent des ténors de leur discipline à l’époque où ils l’ont enseignée. Vulgarisateur hors-pair, respecté de tous, il avait la passion de transmettre ses connaissances, de les vulgariser avec brio. Combien de cohortes de médecins vétérinaires se rappelleront effectivement toujours de ses « lob dob » ! Et passionné de bien-être animal à l’époque où ce terme n’en était qu’à des balbutiements. Bon repos docteur Lazlo De Roth !

He has been a great teacher, very human and passionate by his job. More than 20 years later he’s still in my heart. Great men. All my thinking to the family.

Dear Henriette, Geory, Egon and Alice,
My deepest condolences on Laszlo’s death. Even though we knew it was coming, there is still a very large Laszlo-shaped hole in life. He was a dear friend, as you know and will be deeply missed. So many wonderful memories flood my brain–I’m sure you all have many more to cherish.

I pray for peace and strength for all of you and your families. May God bless you abundantly!

Dear Henriette and family
The Good Lord has called Laszlo to his Heavenly Home. Laszlo’s life is a true inspiration..his deep Faith, Hope and Love.. A holy talented, courageous man. May he Rest in the Peace of Jesus, the Love of the Holy Spirit in the Glory of the Father with Mary the Mother 0f G0d, St.Joseph.and all the Angels and Saints;

On a personal note…he was a wonderful cook and treated us to his specials,, fabulous Chicken Paprika and Hungartin Goulash.

Our sincere condolences on the passing of Laszlo,, A very fine man.

May you have beautiful memories of him as a husband, father and grandfather.

Love and Prayers
Jennifer and Konrad Huestis

Henriette, Geory, Egon and Alice. My sincere condolences to yourselves and your whole family. I can still hear his laugh echoing across Highfield st so many years ago now. I admired Laszlo on so many levels. Most of all as the devoted family man I knew as my next-door neighbour.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
From myself, my siblings Nic, Mel, Cats and my parents.

À Henriette et famille,
Je vous transmets mes pensées profondes de courage et de confiance pour traverser les jours, semaines et mois à venir en l’absence d’un conjoint, d’un père, grand-père et beau-père, si tant aimé. Repose en paix mon ami Laszlo, ce soir j’allume mon lampion pour toi afin que ce passage vers l’au-delà soit tel que tu l’as imaginé sans aucun doute “Merveilleux”

Suzanne Carrière, M.V 1969. retraitée du MAPAQ
Alma Lac-Saint-Jean Québec

Dear Henriette:
Thinking of you and sending my heartfelt condolences to you and all the family. Laszlo was such a warm, gentle, caring and joyful man and it was always such a pleasure to chat with him. He will truly be missed!

May your treasured memories of all the wonderful times you shared together bring you comfort and strength during this time of sadness.

With sympathy and prayers and lots of love,

Robert Michaud, médecin vétérinaire
C’est avec un pincement au coeur que j’ai appris le décès de Laszlo, confrère en médecine vétérinaire à St-Hyacinthe et aux études supérieures à Guelph. Dr de Roth était généreux de son temps, de sa personne, un passionné dans tout ce qu’il entreprenait soit en enseignement, regroupement des hongrois au Canada, l’apiculture, les arts plastiques, son dévouement auprès des étudiants, ses confrères et professeurs, sa famille, ses enfants et petits enfants. Un exemple de générosité en tout point de vue. Son décès constitue une grande perte mais le souvenir de son passage parmi nous restera dans notre mémoire. J’offre mes condoléances à vous Henriette, et Geory, Alice et Egon

Laszlo was, and always will be, a gentle, kind, loving soul. We miss him now and will continue to miss him for a very long time.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille et amis .

Dr DeRoth a été mon directeur de thèse à la faculté de médecine vétérinaire, il y a déjà bien longtemps. Toutefois, je garde un souvenir très vif de mes années de recherche dans son labo , de son soutien, d’un professeur dynamique, passionné pas la science. C’est une grande perte,

Danielle Malo

Dr De Roth était un professeur exceptionnel qui adorait transmettre ses connaissances et un homme aux très grandes valeurs humaines. Je fus l’une de ses premières étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs, puis collègue à la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Je garderai toujours un excellent souvenir de son sens de l’humour, son charisme, sa générosité et … son sourire.
Avec mes plus profondes sympathies
Sylvie D’Allaire

Je souhaite mes sincères condoléances à Mme De Roth et à tous les membres de la famille.

Dr De Roth aura été pour moi, et bien d’autres, un collègue exemplaire à la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire non seulement pour son charisme et son sourire, non seulement pour ses qualités de brillant chercheur mais particulièrement pour son dévouement à la formation des étudiants et sa passion à la communication en classe. Ultimement, son implication en enseignement universitaire aura été au-delà de la faculté ce qui sera l’un de ses héritages au monde universitaire.

Dear Henni,
Our deepest sympathy to you and yours.
Laci was a loving, kind person and an inspiration for many of us,
a true example of deep faith what he showed us at the Cursillo ministry and his everyday life. We will keep him in our heart.
May the good memories comfort you and the family during this difficult times.
With love and prayers.
Nyugodj békében Laci.

Laszlo was a member of the Cobourg YMCA water power fitness group until he moved to Ottawa to be close to his family. As another veterinarian in the class, it was wonderful to know him and I greatly admired his post graduate expertise. He was always cheerful and encouraging to others. He loved his family. We looked forward to messages via Kat and photos of recent celebrations with his loved ones. Remembered in the hearts of everyone whose live he touched. God grant you peace with his passing.


please accept my families condolences on Laszlo’s passing. Laszlo was an incredible human being and a great mentor to myself. I will always remember our wonderful discussions at the Y in Cobourg and over coffee at Tim Hortons. Laszlo will always be remembered by his friends in Cobourg. God bless you and your family.

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