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Beauchamp Guy

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In Memory of Guy Bernard Beauchamp

Décédé à l’hôpital Civic le 24 novembre 2023 à l’âge de 82 ans. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Claudette Lefebvre, ses enfants Richard (Marie Barsona), Pierre (Olga Ciaputa), Claude (Carole Joanisse) ainsi que ses petits-enfants Jean-François, Julie et Martin. Il laisse également ses soeurs et beaux-frères, Judith Beauchamp (Allan Burnet), Suzanne Boisvert et Thérèse Beauchamp, ainsi que plusieurs nièces et neveux. Prédécédé par une soeur Madeleine (Jean-Marie Joly) et deux frères Gilbert Millette et André Pelletier.

La famille recevra parents et ami(e)s le samedi 16 décembre 2023 de 10h à 11h au Complexe funéraire Héritage (1250 chemin Trim, Orléans, ON) pour ceux et celles qui désirent offrir leurs condoléances. Le service commémoratif aura lieu à 11 h suivi d’une réception.

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Claudette, Our sincere condolences to you and your family on Guy’s passing. Guy will be remembered as a wonderful man and a truly great neighbour. We always looked forward to chatting with Guy during his walks around Chateau Cres. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

John and Pam Crowley

Nos plus sincères sympathies Claudette, Richard, Pierre et Claude ainsi qu’à tous les membres de la famille. Nous pensons à vous en ces moments difficiles!
Que les bons souvenirs vous apportent réconfort et paix
Repose en paix Guy!
Thérèse et Elie (neighbors on Château)

I would like to express my sincere condolences to Claudette and the Beauchamp family for the loss of Guy. He was always very friendly and it was a joy to stop and chitchat with him while he would be scooting on his scooter. on the pathway, He will be truly missed. May the almighty grant you all the strength and the courage to cope with his loss!

Claudette, so sorry to hear about Guy. He was such a friendly outgoing gentleman. He always had a smile on his face. He will be dearly missed by his Chateau neighbours.

Claudette and family
We were so sorry to hear about Guy passing away. We are sending our condolences and prayers. Claude worked with Guy at Canada Post and we would meet both you and Guy at Place d’Orleans before 2020. Right now we are in Florida and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Carol et Claude St-Jean

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