(English follows French)
C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès soudain de Yves Lambert, survenu chez lui, le mardi 27 août 2024, à l’âge de 67 ans. Il était l’époux de Martine Lambert née Dugas.
Il était le fils de Jeannine et de feu Martial Lambert. Outre sa mère, il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Martine, son frère Christian, sa sœur Linda, son neveu Jean-François, ses nièces Stéphanie, Marie-Pier et Katherine. Il laisse également les membre de la famille Dugas.
Selon les volontés de Yves il n’y aura pas de service funéraire. S’il vous plaît ne pas envoyer de fleurs mais si vous le désirez-vous pouvez faire un don à la charité de votre choix.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Yves Lambert, at his home on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at the age of 67. He was the husband of Martine Lambert née Dugas.
He was the son of Jeannine and the late Martial Lambert. He leaves in sadness his wife Martine, his mother Jeannine, his brother Christian, his sister Linda, his nephew Jean-François and his nieces Stéphanie, Marie-Pier and Katherine. He will be remembered by the Dugas family.
As per Yves’ wishes, there will be no funeral service. Please do not send flowers; if you wish you can donate to the charity of your choice.
Nos sinceres condoleances a Martine et a toute la famille.
To a long time colleague and friend . Yves will be sorely missed . My deepest sympathies to you Martine and your extended family in this most sorrowful time . Memories of Yves will live on through the lives that he touched .
Martine, I worked with Yves for many years and am truly sorry for your loss. May your memories with Yves sustain you through this very difficult time.
Mes sincères condoléances en ce temps de tristesse. Mes pensées sont avec toi et ta famille Martine.
In these moments, when there are no words, know that the ones we love remain beside us, now and always. Our deepest condolences to you and your family. You are in our thoughts during this very sad and difficult time.