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Tweddle Thomas Allen

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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Thomas Allen Tweddle

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Thomas Allen Tweddle (Al) after a spirited battle with gall bladder cancer. He passed away at home on Monday, May 1st surrounded by family.

Raised in Toronto, Al moved to Ottawa in 1961 with his wife Helen, where they dedicated their lives to raising their five kids and building the community around them. It’s impossible to list all of Al’s contributions to the community because ‘Big Al’ was a fixture in the community; much like the local parks, nature trails, hockey rinks and tennis courts he helped build. He was a tireless advocate for Petrie Island, a beautiful oasis he helped develop in the east end. He was relentless, and even in his final days, Al was at home writing reports and getting Petrie ready for the season ahead.

He studied chemical engineering and worked as a chemist at National Research Council where he received a number of patents over his 35-year career. He lived a full life enjoying travel, history, music, sports, and environmental conservation. He was active, playing baseball, tennis and hockey, finally hanging up his skates at the ripe old age of 83. He was determined, curious, and at times, stubborn. He is preceded in death by his parents Thomas and Doris and his wife Helen. He will be lovingly remembered by his sister Barb (Peter), brother-in-law Bob (Lynne); children Steve, Sue (Bob), Debbie (Kirk), Mark (Peter) and Terrie (Jason); grandchildren Matthew, Courtney, and Christopher; great granddaughter Aurora; along with niece Patti and nephews Andrew and Paul.

Al was a community trailblazer and a civic leader from a bygone era. While he is gone, his legacy will not be forgotten. We will celebrate Al on Sunday, May 7 at the Heritage Funeral Complex at 1250 Trim Road. Visitation is from 1 pm – 2 pm, with a service at 2 pm and a reception to follow. Donations can be made to the Canadian Juvenile Diabetes Association or Friends of Petrie Island. Please share your condolences at www.heritagefh.ca.

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Poppy thank you for everything. I have so many amazing memories growing up with you from skating at Centtenial, camping, diy projects, tennis, Petrie and you coming to watch me at my hockey games. I will miss you!!!

My deepest condolences to Al’s family. Al was a true friend to all who had the good fortune to meet him. Always a gentleman, he made everyone feel comfortable in his presence. He will be sadly missed but not forgotten.

Al and Helen have left our lives and our communities so very enriched.
Al, there are not enough words to thank you for what you have done for all of us. Queenswood men’s hockey, Rec associations, QWTennis. QW newsletters,
FOPI, 50 years of rinks and all the rest of it.

Bless you.

Al was a joy to have connected with through the outdoor rinks. Thinking of his loved ones, and extraordinarily thankful for the amazing work he did in service of the community he clearly loved so dearly.

Al, we never got to play that tennis match. So sad to see you go. All my sympathy to your family and friends. Our community is losing one of its greatest builders.

Al was a colleague, mentor and friend who has single handily done more for the Orleans community than people will ever realize. We had the pleasure and honour of working alongside Al for years on the Queenswood Heights Community Association and the Queenswood Heights Recreation Association, the nature trails in the Heights, Friends of Petrie Island and, along with Jean-Guy Quesnel, on the outdoor rinks in the community for 18 years. He was an energetic, dedicated and knowledgeable mentor who was always willing to share ideas and information and colleague who was always one of the first to get “hands on” in any project we were undertaking. Most importantly he was a friend who was always willing to listen, share a joke and support you when it was needed. You will be greatly missed Al. Small consolation for such a great loss but we are happy that he is now together with Helen again. Sincere condolences to Al’s family and friends. Ab and Cindy Ettinger

On behalf of The Friends of Petrie Island, a successful volunteer group founded and led for 25 years by Al Tweddle, I wish to extend warmest condolences to the Tweddle family. Al was much more than a local hero: he was the spirit and soul of the group and an excellent friend to its members and executive. His ideas and the principles he set down will guide our actions for many years to come.

Au nom des Amis de l’île Petrie, groupe bénévole qui connaît un grand succès, fondé par Al Tweddle et sous sa direction pendant 25 ans, j’offre mes condoléances à la famille. Al était bien plus qu’un héros dans sa communauté: il constituait l’âme et l’esprit du groupe et, pour les membres et l’exécutif, un ami hors pair. Ses concepts et principes vont guider notre action pour de nombreuses années.

I met Al when I moved into Qeenswood in 1966 and the main project we worked on together was setting up the Hockey Group « Queenswood Mens Hockey. He and Helen were involved in literally all groups on the « Hill » and later Petrie island which has continued until now.

It is with great sadness to hear the passing of Al Tweddle, he will be sadly missed by so many in the community, we have known Al since 1980 and he was so involved in so many facets of our community with parks, trails, rinks, tennis courts, community Association, Mayfair, F.O.P.I. and his favourite passion was his love of Petrie Island, it was so fitting to see the Road leading up to Petrie Island commemorated by Councillor Luloff in the naming of Tweddle Road, Pat and I wish to pass on our sincere condolences to Mark and Sue and the entire family and friends of Al Tweddle, he is now reunited with the love of his life Helen Tweddle R.I.P Al

The first adult I met when we moved into Queenswood Heights who became a great friend for over 42 years. A friendship I will always treasure. Al was a remarkable human being as was his wife Helen and as remains his entire family. We will miss him dearly.

Al Tweddle3

We moved to Queenswood Heights 30 years ago, Al and Helen Tweddle were two leaders in this community that we were happy to meet and help make our community better. Now that Al is gone, we simply wish to say farewell, God Bless, you shall forever be a Hero in our hearts, a Giant who’s shadow shall be seen widely in Queenswood Heights and Petrie Island and a leader who’s example we can proudly follow!

Thank you Al

Yesterday, we lost a legend when Al Tweddle passed away. Words can’t express the deep sense of loss that so many of us feel. I feel gratitude for having known him and for his incalculable contribution in equal measure.

Al was a mentor, a community builder, a loving husband and father, a grandfather and great grandfather, a rink volunteer for over 50 years, the man who started and led Friends of Petrie Island, a staple on the Queenswood Heights community association, founder and caretaker of the tennis club at QHCC, a chemical engineer, and so so so much more. To me, he was a cherished friend and a trusted advisor.

Al and Helen Tweddle leave a legacy in the community that they helped to build, and in their incredible children and thier families. They are together again.

Al left everything that he touched better than when he found it. We are all so grateful for his selfless contributions to our community. 

Le monde serait un meilleur endroit si nous ressemblions tous un peu plus à Al. Mes plus sincères condoléances à sa merveilleuse famille et à tous ceux dont il a enrichi la vie.

Al a travaillé dur sur les projets qui lui tenait à cœur, jusqu’au dernier moment. Le mois dernier, je l’ai rencontré chez lui pour discuter de la saison à venir sur l’île et à Queenswood Heights. Sa résolution était forte, et son esprit était aussi vif que jamais.

I will miss him so dearly. 

Goodbye, friend. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Matt, Al and Jim —- presenting Al with a recognition award for over 50 years of service with the outdoor hockey rinks

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Our sincere sympathy to the Tweddle family. Our long association with your mom and dad will be remembered forever. Al was a work colleague for over 30 years. We occasionally drove together, when he remembered. A great guy that the community will miss.

Al was foremost our son Bob’s father=in-law. We will keep good memories of all the parties we had together.
Our sincere condolences to all the members of his family..
Andrée and Art Guarda

My deepest condolences to the TWEDDLE family. I was 8 years old when I first met Al and his wonderful wife Helen. I watched and learned as they brought people together to build a new, developing community in 1968. At the age of 12, I got my first job from them, helping to type up the Queenswood Newsletter. Next at 15, as Secretary on the QH Recreation Asso (one of the many groups Al formed). Through the years growing up, I felt encouraged and supported and always went along whenever they called for volunteers for work in parks,, trails, rinks and fairs, as did many other people. Talk about excellent role models as community leaders and builders, it doesn’t get better than this beautiful couple. I’m in my sixties now. I still live in this great community. I often enjoyed talks with Al at Tim’s about his next project adventures! He definitely left his mark throughout Orléans, major accomplishments we are so proud of. I’m VERY grateful to have known this family. Rest In Peace Al. I can only imagine how you’re going to move and shake things wherever you are next. ❤️

I remember seeing Al take walks down the cottage road when I was younger and later on Al would often stop at the marina and we would chat about the history of Petrie, the floods, upcoming plans and much more. A strong advocate for the islands and everything they stood for. He is leaving a strong legacy for others to continue to build upon. My deepest condolences to the family and extended FOPI family.

Deepest condolences to the Tweddle family. Every kid (myself included) that spent their childhood playing hockey on the outdoor rink at Centennial owes a huge debt to Al. One of my fondest memories was watching him flood the rink at the end of the night. A Queenswood Heights legend who will never be forgotten!

It is with A SAD heart that we read the obituary of AL …. so many years ago (approx 1973) he « c0-erced » me into the great and wonderful things that can be can be done in a community . .. It was shortly after we moved to Queenswood in about in 1972 that Al contacted me (I have no idea how he « found out » about me, but he did) and « asked » me to participate with him in planting trees at the Rec Centre .. which my wife (recently a mother to our second child) deemed to be be « not acceptable », but which I did it … and for the next 40 years I worked with Al in many of his undertakings … he was so dynamic …. FEW people in this world have such a footprint ..

All my condolences to the family. Al was a great tennis competitor and friend as well as a tireless worker. There are not many persons with Al’s qualities. He will be missed.

Condolences to the family , I met Al about 30 years ago when I first moved to Orléans .
Joined the Queenswood tennis club , met Al we played a number of times togeather , even won a runners up doubles one year .
He was always the kindest , there was only 3 courts , he often sit out to let other people play .
Than I saw him one day helping out down at Petrie island , he began to tell me , how he takes care of that place also ..
I’m glad to have gotten to know him , in the couple of areas that I did .
Will miss Al !

I spent the majority of my teenage formative years at the Tweddle household. Helen and Al being the parents of my two best friends and my 3 adoptive older siblings. I am saddened to see the final closing of the door of 1395 Sault Street. I thank you for your patience and for letting my kids release the turtles. Rest In Peace.

I remember Al Tweedle in our community. A conservationist , a do-er and always believed in leading by example. My condolences to his family.

Our friendship goes back a long way to when I was Township engineer. Al was always there supporting good developments and making lesser ones better.
He often wore his Petrie Island T-shirt and I had one from the Northern Magic event in August 2001 that I intended to give him this spring.
The Township of Cumberland, the City of Cumberland and now the City of Ottawa and our wonderful beach at Petrie Island are better places due to Als’ thoughtful hard work. He will be missed in our community.

My deepest condolences to the whole family. While I have only known Al for a few years he very quickly became a mentor and an inspiration. But in fact Al’s influence has made a significant difference in my life- when we moved to Orleans in 1986, proximity to nature trails was one of my criteria for purchasing a home. We lived on Tompkins and then moved to home that backed on the ravine a few years later. We spent a lot of time on those trails,
And of course Al’s contribution with Petrie Island is a legacy at so many levels- ecological, environmental, recreational, quality of life and community building. Thank you all for sharing him with us.

Sherry Nigro

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