Décédé paisiblement à la maison mercredi, le 31 juillet 2024, à l’âge de 83 ans. Précédé de la première épouse, Micheline, il laisse dans le deuil sa conjointe, Virpi Nickerson ainsi que ses deux fils Patrick (Helen Tsang) et Stéphan (Claudie Tellier). Grand-père bien aimé de Timothy, Beverly, Laurianne et Juliette. Il sera également manqué par de nombreux amis. Parents et amis seront reçus au Complexe Funéraire Héritage, le vendredi, 16 Aout 2024, à compter de 10h, une courte cérémonie suivra à 11h dans la chapelle du complexe. Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à votre organisme de bienfaisance préféré seraient appréciés.
Passed away at home, on Wednesday July 31st, 2024, at the age of 83 years. Predeceased by his first wife Micheline, he leaves behind his current spouse Virpi Nickerson and his two sons Patrick (Helen Tsang) and Stéphan (Claudie Tellier). Cherished grandfather of Timothy, Beverly, Laurianne and Juliette. He will be sadly missed by many friends. Relatives and friends will be received at Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Road, Ottawa Orléans, Ontario K4A 3P7, on Friday, August 16th, 2024, as of 10:00 a.m. A memorial service will follow in the funeral home chapel at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations to your favorite charity would be appreciated
Well dad just want to say thanks for everything.
I’ll fondly remember those fishing trips and spending time on the lake with you. You teaching me how to be handy when we finished basements, build fences and decks together. All those family vacations when you loaded up the car and we drove around the east coast and spend time by the ocean.
I’ll always be impressed with your ability to connect with people and build lasting friendships. Every time you would go on a trip, you would come home with new friends. I’m glad we got to go to on your last trip to Mexico with you and spend together.
We will all miss you. Thanks for the great memories
A toute la famille Tiffault, Nickerson nous vous souhaitons nos plus sinceres sympathies. Ron nous a bien fait rire durant nos vacances a Puerta Vallarta. Il aimait etre entoure des ses amis, Il etait fier de parler de ses enfants et petits-enfants. Et que de dire de sa fameuse mustang! Ron et Virpi faisait un beau couple, ils aimaient les restos, balade en mustang, casino. Il va nous manquer grandement. Repose en paix Ron. de Clau et Richard.
I remember Ron as a sweet man, always so cheerful and kind. He was a dear friend of my parents, Andre & Marcelle.
May you rest in peace Ron.
We have had brief exchanges that I remember as filled with humour and wisdom. A pleasant memory of our encounters will continue. May you have a new peaceful journey.