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Hi, this is Pete Seguin wishing to inform you that my loving partner, Paul Jordan, passed away on April 27th, 2024 at the age of 72 from pulmonary fibrosis. We were a couple for more than 40 years. He was predeceased by his father Preston Jordan, mother Clara Legault and brother Michael (Dianne). Other than his better half, he leaves to grieve his brothers William of Gatineau and Harold (Marie) of Montreal. He also leaves to mourn his nieces and nephews : Debbie, Johanne, Richard (Stephanie), Sean (Josephine), Sheila (Denis), Christopher (Christina), Elizabeth (Craig), Kenneth (Tracey) and Kevin. Great-uncle of 8 nieces and 9 nephews and great-great-uncle of 5 nieces and 4 nephews. He will be remembered by his many cousins, in-laws and friends. Memorial Service will be held at Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Rd., Orléans, on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 1 p.m., followed by a reception. The interment of his cremated remains will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations to May Court Hospice (www.hospicecareottawa.ca) would be appreciated.


Bonjour, ici Pete Seguin qui souhaite vous informer que mon partenaire bien-aimé, Paul Jordan, décédé le 27 avril 2024 à l’âge de 72 ans suite d’une fibrose pulmonaire. Nous étions en couple depuis plus de 40 ans. Il fut prédécédé par son père Preston Jordan, sa mère Clara Legault et son frère Michael (Dianne). Outre son conjoint, il laisse dans le deuil ses frères William de Gatineau et Harold (Marie) de Montréal. Il laisse également ses nièces et neveux : Debbie, Johanne, Richard (Stephanie), Sean (Josephine), Sheila (Denis), Christopher (Christina), Elizabeth (Craig), Kenneth (Tracey) et Kevin. Il était l’arrière-oncle de 8 nièces et de 9 neveux et l’arrière-arrière-oncle de 5 nièces et de 4 neveux. Il manquera à ses cousins, ses cousines, sa belle-famille, ainsi qu’à plusieurs amis. Une cérémonie commémorative aura lieu au complexe Funéraire Héritage, 1250, ch. Trim, Orléans le jeudi 2 mai 2024 à 13h, suivie d’une réception. L’inhumation des cendres aura lieu à une date ultérieure. Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à l’hospice May Court (www.hospicecareottawa.ca) seraient grandement appréciés.

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Pierre, toutes mes condolescences pour le départ de Paul. Tu as eu de bonnes années avec lui, il sera toujours avec toi . Qu’il repose en paix.

Carole & Roger Drouin (A&W)

So sorry to hear of Paul’s passing, Pete. He was a really nice man & a wonderful uncle to his nieces & nephews. Deepest condolences to all his family. May he Rest in Peace. Jim & Jean Tischart

Toutes mes sympathies Pete et a ses frères Billy et Harold et toutes sa famille de proche et de loin ,repose toi Paul car tu souffrais beaucoup ta cousine Lise

Pete, Harold, Bill and extended family, our deepest sympathy. Paul…what a laugh and a great sense of humour. Paul never took himself too seriously and together with you Pete, made an awesome duo that had deadpan humour delivered in spades. May you rest in peace Paul and live on in the hearts and memories of all of us who had the privilege to know him.
Pat And Carole

Our deepest condolences uncle Pete and family. We may not have been related to Paul by blood but I always fondly thought of him as my uncle Paul. Jason and I will truly miss his great sense of humor and also his kindness. We will cherish all the memories we have and will miss him so very much. He is at peace now and we will keep him our hearts always. All our Love ❤️ xoxo
Brenda and Jason

In the name of my family, I would like to pass along my deepest condolences to You Pete, Harold and William. My thoughts are with you and your families.
Albert Jordan’s family

It’s been many many years Pete but I remember when you and Paul first became partners you were so in love and continued that love for 40 years. What a sense of humour your both had… just so full of life.

My deepest sympathies to you Pete for the loss of your life partner Paul. My he Rest in Peace.❤️

Nos sincères condoléances Pete pour le départ de Paul. Il sera toujours avec toi.

Jo-Anne Bougie & Stéphane Pichette

Pete, Bill, Harold & Paul’s extended family. It’s sad that such a great guy passed on. Find comfort in knowing Paul is no longer suffering. My prayers & thoughts go out to you all. My deepest condolences for Paul’s passing. He will be missed by all.
Nathalie Jordan, Art’s daughter

Dear Pierre,
My most sincere condolences for this very difficult time in your life. My heart goes out to you. I love you both very much and am extremely grateful that you both came into my parents’ and my life. I am here for you. Anna

Pete & Families

We had the pleasure of caring for Paul, Even though his stay here at Maycourt Hospice was brief, It was a true honor getting to know you both.

Our thoughts are with you and your family. We are wishing you and your family courage and peace during this time of mourning. Our hearts go out to you during this time of sorrow. We thank you for entrusting us with your care. We hold you close in our thoughts

All Maycourt’s Staff and Volunteers.

Pete and Jordan family.

Sincere condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Paul was so gentle and kind. Our visits for tea and sweats, card games or just to joke and giggle all night brought us so much joy and happiness. He was truly a special man. We will miss him.

Rest in peace dear Paul.

Love forever,
Lorraine and Ken

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille et à son bien-aimé conjoint. Nous garderons dans nos cœurs un souvenir impérissable d’un homme aussi gentil et chaleureux. Nous manquerons son sens de l’humour si cher et si réconfortant. Mon cher Paul, repose en paix.

Son rire légendaire résonnera toujours dans nos coeurs ….un rire semé de bonne humeur qui l’a suivi au cours des défis encourus par une santé fragilisée….un combat qu’il a mené avec beaucoup de courage….Paul était un être discrèt, une qualité fort appréciée de tous… Il savait s’arrêter pour entretenir de bonnes conversations sérieuses portant une attention toute particulière avec la personne qui avait le privilège d’être à ses côtés…C’est sans hésitation qu’il exprimait sa reconnaissance pour chaque petit geste posé envers lui ou sa famille. On se souviendra de lui en puisant dans tout l’amour qu’il a si bien partagé de son vivant … Denyse et Roger

Bon voyage mon beau Paul

Un gars gentil et authentique

Mes condoléances à son conjoint et sa famille

So very sorry Pops for the loss of Mops. My memory of him is of a happy, laughing and silently mischievous guy. Sincere condolences to you and the families.

Dearest Pete,
My heart is filled with sorrow for the loss of Paul. I will miss his love and kindness, his humour and curiosity. May you be surrounded and blessed by the support of your extended families and friends. I’m sending you lots of love, and I hope to see you soon xoxo.

Mes sincères sympathies Pete ainsi qu’à la famille. J’ai travaillé avec Paul à l’Imprimerie Nationale et il était une personne formidable. Bon courage.
Diane Thauvette

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