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Michael Nituch

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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Michael John Nituch

Michael passed away peacefully on Friday, March 24, 2023, at the Résidence Saint-Louis nursing home where he spent the last year of his rich and full life. Loving husband to Johanne Curodeau, amazing dad to Jonathan and stepdad to Patrick and Louis-Philippe Chapados, Michael will be remembered by all who knew him for his warm smile and gentle spirit. He will be missed by his brother Nestor (Natalie) his niece Larissa (Matthew Purvis) and nephews Christopher (Natalie Gemmell), Alexis and Edouard, his sister-in-law Louise Curodeau (Yvon Codère), his cousin Carol Krochak (Mark Kilburn), and many relatives and friends.

Born in Montreal, Quebec, to the late Mary Korol and Paul Nituch, Michael was proud of his Ukrainian origins. He was passionate about everything related to aerospace from a very young age, which lead him to set his goal to become an aeronautical engineer. He attended Loyola High School in Montreal and joined the Air Cadets Program to fulfill his sense of adventure. In 1966, he received a Bachelor of Engineering (mechanical), and in 1972, a Master of Engineering from Carleton University. After graduating from Carleton, he set flights to the UK to further his studies at Cambridge University.

His career as an aeronautical engineer brought him much professional satisfaction working at Canadair/Bombardier Aerospace in Montreal where he worked on the certification of the Challenger 600 series. In 1984, he moved to Ottawa to join the Wind Energy Program at the Institute for Aerospace Research of the National Research Council of Canada, where he retired after 25 years. While at the NRC, he managed the Low Speed Aerodynamic Wind tunnel, running engine tests for some premier manufacturers of commercial jetliners, or for Canadian National teams, be it bobsleigh and ski, or even for some NASCAR teams from the U.S. His last big project took him to Montreal often to manage the construction of the “Centre des technologies de fabrication en Aérospatiale”, on the side of the Mont-Royal, which was no small feat.  

However, he was mostly proud of his ten years spent as Captain with the Canadian Air Force navigating in the C-130 Hercules and travelling all over the world. He would later relish in recounting stories of his travels, which brought him comfort and joy as he was battling dementia.

While Michael was proud of his academic and professional accomplishments, his interests throughout his life were broad and varied. His gregarious nature was his staple. He loved to entertain and share good food and good wines with friends and family. He also enjoyed visual arts, theatre, reading, listening to different genres of music, and travelling. He would make sure that he had his camera at the ready to capture the right picture at the right time. He had a knack to finding great restaurants or small deli shops and bakeries in unlikely places and loved nothing more than to pick up a conversation with the chefs or the owners of those shops given the chance.

Michael was also a wonderful son, brother, uncle, husband and father. Family was always his priority, and he would go out of his way to make sure that he was home when he needed to be, even when travelling for his work. He enthusiastically enrolled with the Jackrabbits Cross Country Ski Club as an instructor for young kids, including our own, bought camping gears and a canoe to be enjoyed over the summer holidays, waxed the toboggans to add to the thrill, and took us walking through the snow to cut fresh Christmas trees. He was an extraordinary human being who loved life and who loved to share it with the people he cherished the most.

The family wishes to express gratitude to close friends and neighbours, first responders, nurses, and medical staff at various Ottawa hospitals over the past few years, with a special mention to the homecare personal support workers, and to the staff assigned to the 3C of the Residence Saint-Louis for their care and attention to Michael over the past year, ensuring his wellbeing and comfort under trying times.

A celebration in honour of his life will be held at the Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Rd, Orleans, on April 30th at 11:00 a.m.

Condolences messages can be sent to www.heritagefh.ca

Any memoriam donations may be made to the Bruyère Foundation.   

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Our deepest condolences Johanne and family. Michael was such a kind and generous soul. It was always so obvious how much he loved his family. He loved the comforts of his home, and had a passion for food, travel and sharing stories with family and friends. We are fortunate to have spent time with him. He will be missed by many.

With much sympathy,
Colette and Martin

Michael, le conjoint de ma belle-soeur, était un homme vraiment bon et intéressant, à l’esprit vif, bon vivant et grand conteur. Il aimait la vie et les gens. Tu vas nous manquer Michael! Merci!

Michael, mon beau-frère, l’amoureux de ma grande sœur, s’en est allé.
Il est parti lentement, tranquillement de mois en mois, de semaine en semaine, de jour en jour comme l’homme qu’il était, tout en douceur.
Il a marqué discrètement mais assurément tous ceux qui l’ont côtoyé.
Un homme qui lorsqu’il se racontait, étonnait et impressionnait celle et celui qui l’écoutait.
Il est parti trop tôt mais, grâce à un vécu que plusieurs peuvent envier, grâce à l’amour qu’il a propagé, c’est une vie complète qu’il laisse en souvenir à ceux qui restent.
Repose-toi Michael et porte ton regard toujours bienveillant sur ceux qui te manque ici.

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C’est avec tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de Michael. Mes sincères sympathies @ Johanne, Patrick & Louis-Philippe, Parents & Amis. Tous qui l’ont connus se souviendront d’un Grand Monsieur.

Michael was a kind, quiet and gentle man, and a pleasure to work with. He and I worked together at the National Research Council for many years most closely when he was assistant to the Director General in the Institute for Aerospace Research (IAR). One of the biggest projects for that Institute was the NRC Aerospace Initiative which led to two major developments. The first was the Gas Turbine Environmental Research Lab, a joint project with Pratt and Whitney Canada. The second component of the Initiative was the creation of the Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Lab. on the campus of the University of Montreal -Ecole Polytechnique. This was the first time that IAR had ventured out of Ottawa and it proved to be a major challenge. Mike played a huge role in the development of that lab, overseeing the work of the prime contractor responsible for the design and construction of the building. He had the unenviable task of making sure the facility met all the requirements of the research team, while also keeping the contractor on schedule and budget. Needless to say, funds were barely adequate and the contractor was an experienced and difficult negotiator. But Mike did a great job and the building and the programme are still flourishing today more than 25 years later. I will be for ever grateful to Mike for his service.

Our most sincere condolences to Johanne and family on the passing of Micheal. He was a very gentle, kind and genuine human being. Always smiling and soft spoken. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Bon courage. Xx

What do you say about a very dear friend whom you’ve known for almost 30 years? In reading the above tributes to him, we can confirm that he was indeed a loving husband, an amazing father and stepfather, and a really, really good friend. He was a proud Montrealer and later an Ottawan. He drew on his Ukrainian roots to bless our homes with coins that remain in our kitchen cupboard to this day. He was passionate about his work in the Canadian Armed Forces, at Canadair/Bombardier (where he met the love of his life Johanne), and his work at the National Research Council. He always spoke about good times and accomplishments. We’re not even sure he ever had a bad day at work because he never once hinted at it – except perhaps one flight where he had to navigate through very bad winds but even then with a smile. He loved traveling the world as well as good food and wine which we benefited greatly from his knowledge and really good stories. He loved Harry Bosch novels and books on world history. He loved candy which he would sometimes sneak behind Johanne’s back with a wide grin and a twinkle in his eye. His smiles were always the very best. Yes he was quiet as well as a gentle giant but when it came to discussing world issues and politics at the dinner table with friends, he was heard. He was grateful. He was kind. He was generous. He was funny. He was the very best kind of human being. He was our very dear friend. We love you Michael. Jayne, Reg and Charlotte xxoo

Toutes mes sympathies à toi Johanne et à tes enfants. La vie t’a arrachée ta moitié mais aujourd’hui cette moitié veillera sur vous tous de la-haut. Un deuil ce n’est jamais facile mais le temps n’effacera pas ta douleur mais il l’atténuera et il te reste de très beaux souvenirs, j’en suis certaine. Encore toutes mes sympathies.

C’est avec tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de ton conjoint. Je souhaite mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Il me sera impossible d’être présente mais sache que je serai avec toi en pensée dimanche lors de ses obsèques. Bon courage .

Karen et moi sommes peinés d’apprendre la triste nouvelle du décès de Michael. Acceptez, toi, Patrick et Louis-Philippe, ainsi que Jonathan, nos plus sincères condoléances.
Pierre et Karen Bélanger

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