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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Maria-Helena Canizares de Garcia

With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of Maria-Helena Cañizares de García, who peacefully departed this life on September 13, 2024, in her home in Ottawa surrounded by the love of her family, after a courageous three-year battle with cancer.

Born in Medellin, Colombia in January 7, 1946, Maria-Helena was a beacon of joy, strength, and kindness. Her unwavering determination, positive spirit, endless energy and infectious smile touched and inspired everyone who had the fortune and privilege of knowing her. Even in the face of illness, she remained a symbol of strength and resilience, never letting the disease define her, but instead choosing to live each day with grace, gratitude, and love.

Maria-Helena was a devoted wife for 61 years, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, Psychologist, tennis player and horseback rider among others. Her greatest joys (and prides) included taking care of her patients, spending time with her husband, children and grandchildren, exploring towns and countryside in long walks and drives, vigorously exercising and discussing political science with anyone that happen to be available. She had an incredible ability to always be positive and find light even in the darkest of times, and her strength in adversity will continue to inspire those she leaves behind.

Maria-Helena had a calling for helping others, she practiced psychology for 35+ years, she has proud to have been certified in Canada and Colombia (providing therapy in English, Spanish and French as needed), and she was also proud to help patients until the very end, and at times at great personal sacrifice.

Maria-Helena was a proud Canadian. She was born in Colombia but her heart was always in Canada where she made her home. She first immigrated to Canada in 1985 and fell in love with the country and its values.

Maria-Helena was a life-long learner, she won all possible the academic achievements at her high school, she studied Psychology while being a devoted mother of two, got her Master’s in International Relations while working and holding together her family, and spoke and worked fluently in Spanish, English and French.

She is survived by her beloved husband of 61 years Alvaro Garcia; children Mauricio and Clemencia Cardona, Juan Carlos and Alejandra Uribe, and Alejandro and Claudia Nates; and grandchildren Juanita, Emilia, Lucas and Tomas; who will forever cherish the memories of her vibrant spirit, kind heart, and indomitable strength.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to either Canadian Cancer Society, or St. Faustina Parish in honor of Maria-Helena’s courageous fight.

A mass to celebrate Maria-Helena’s life will be held on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:00AM EST at St. Faustina Church (2571 Hwy.174). A small reception will be held (details will be provided at the Church).

Her light may have dimmed, but the strength and joy she brought to this world will continue to shine brightly in the hearts of those who loved her.

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Siempre recordaré a María Helena por su inteligencia, energía, vitalidad y entrega a sus pacientes. Su entereza ante la enfermedad nos sirve de ejemplo.

Familia Cañizares Molina
Cuando la oscuridad parece asaltarnos
el estar en familia
realiza el milagro
de que el sol brille.
Por medio de este sencillo mensaje,
queremos compartir la pena que llega
y que se mengua en la medida
que el ser querido perdure y trascienda
el paso del tiempo que agota la memoria.
María Elena siempre seguirá viva
Los acompañamos en la distancia …
pero muy cerca de nuestros corazones
Familia Uribe Molina (Juangui, Gloria y Ana Maria)
Medellín, Septiembre 13 de 2024

Pesame Flia Cañizares – Ma Elena sept 13-2024

De corazón acompaño a la familia Cañizares Molina, ante la ausencia de Ma Helena y le pido al Señor que les de fortaleza,

Presentó mis condolencias a toda la Familia Cañizares Molina por la partida de su hermana María Helena extensivo a su esposo e hijos. Nuestras oraciones serán la mejor ofrenda para pedir el consuelo y fortaleza que hoy necesitan . Paz en su tumba .

Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Maria Helena. La recordamos con mucho cariño por toda su energía , alegría y vitalidad en todo momento, que siempre dejaba una huella positiva en quienes la rodeaban. Acompañamos de corazón a toda la familia y enviamos un abrazo especial a Alvaro, Mauricio, Juan Carlos , Alejandro y todas sus familias. Los acompañamos de todo corazón.
Jose Uribe y toda la familia Uribe Pabón y Uribe David.

What are the qualities that turn a person into a myth? Maria-Helena’s name brings together Mary—a symbol of devotion, compassion and strength—and Helen, an icon of beauty. Maria-Helena possessed in abundance both physical beauty and light and the ability to help, inspire and protect others. She helped her fellow human beings not only in her highly skilled and experienced professional role—but also with her unforgettable personal warmth and human touch.

Eric and I first met Maria-Helena and Alvaro at Claudia and Alejandro’s wedding in Colombia. Their generous, unfailingly friendly and incredibly attentive hospitality to us while they clearly had so much to do was epic. As they say, if you want something done in an exemplary manner, ask a busy person. When Maria-Helena and Alvaro returned to Canada some time after, we knew that our lives will be brightened and enriched by their friendship here in Ottawa, where we spent happy times at our home and in their home—surrounded by the beautiful art on their walls and enjoying how welcome they made us feel.

Many of us turn somewhat bitter and disillusioned as we grow in age. A bit tired of the deadlines and demands of life, we might fear that the possibility of abundant joy might have fled. This is a challenge that Maria-Helena not only did not succumb to—but has also helped me to overcome in a very concrete way. Many times when I found myself late at night feeling frustrated by how much I still had to do, I willed my mind to think about Maria-Helena’s incredible spirit and determination—Maria-Helena driving on icy roads to help patients wherever the needed her; Maria-Helena continuing to study and to add to her impressive knowledge and qualifications, working with optimism, determination and gratitude through the challenges that one experiences when moving across a border. Maria-Helena led by example, reminding us of what is possible if one is willing to earnestly put in the work—and as a result numerous people have benefited from her contribution. Maria-Helena’s indefatigable dedication to life-long work and learning made her ageless—and the mark that has left on our lives will be eternally meaningful and inspiring.
I once asked Maria-Helena what in her experience the secrets to good marriage were. Her direct and assertive answer: 3 things—communication, intimacy and money. With her feet firmly on the ground and head screwed on tight, Maria Helena had the ability to inspire optimism, joy and practical determination, making our faith in human potential soar. Maria-Helena also inspired in the hearts of those around her a patriotism for Canada—as she was proud and vocal in her love, praise and appreciation for the potential of this country.

The family that Maria-Helena has left on this earth are among the most wonderful, trustworthy, warm people we know—just as Maria-Helena has encouraged them to be. May Maria-Helena’s memory be an eternal blessing.

Dear Canizares Garcia family, What a sad thing to hear of Maria Helena’s passing. We are so glad to have had so many wonderful times at the lake w Mh and Alvaro. We will miss her kind and intelligent spirit which she brought to every great conversation. Our deepest condolences to the entire family. With much love, Anne Boubion-Steers and family.

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