À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Madeline Banfield
Madeline Mary Isabel Banfield [Tarrant], born October 09, 1938, in St. Lawrence, NF, died peacefully November 6, 2023, in Ottawa, Ontario, at home in Barrhaven with her daughters Coleen, Charlaine, Teri and her son-in-law Jacques at her bedside. She spent her last days telling them how proud she was of them, how much she loved them, and they did her.
She was predeceased by her husband of 47 years, John Charles ‘Charlie’ Banfield; her son, Captain John Charles ‘John-Boy’ Banfield (whom she affectionately called ‘Y.L.C.’); her beautiful granddaughter, Victoria Grace Banfield-Gagnon; her brothers Alex, Pat, and Gus; and her sisters Florina, Ella, Carmel, and Margaret.
She was « Nan » to Colin, Christopher, Derek, Sandy, Samantha and Victoria Grace and great-grandmother « Nan » to Konnor, Robyn, Cale, Camdyn and Charlie.
Madeline was proof it’s never too late to explore your passions. In the 1950s, she moved away with her husband, Charlie, to the mining town of Schefferville, Quebec. When the recession of 1982 hit, they moved again to Labrador City, NF, to work until retirement. She retired in 1997 and moved to Bath and then Kingston, Ontario, where, at 71, she wrote and published her first book.
Her motivation came from her children and grandchildren, who had little knowledge or connection to hers and Charlie’s hometown of St. Lawrence, except for a couple of vacations once in a while over the years. They always had so many questions she wanted to answer. Her grandson Colin McRae told her years ago, « You know, you tell us all these amazing stories, but we won’t remember them, and our children will never know them. You should write them down. »
She did just that. (After she had a cup of tea!)
Family and Friends will be received at St. Linus Church in Bath, ON, at a future date for the Celebration of Her Life—donations made to the Heart and Stoke Foundation, The Alzheimer’s Society or The Dementia Society.
« Love you, Mom, you are finally at peace »
A family friend from the day I was born, Madeline was smart, funny, kind, witty and always up for a good prank and a good time.
The Banfield’s and The Crocker’s, we’re not related but we became Family in Schefferville in the early 1960’s
Barry’s family being from St Lawrence had already known Madeline before she moved away, she would share memories about her time spent with his family.
We were so thankful to have visited with Madeline just days before her passing, to know that I could tell her one last time that I loved her, both filled my heart and broke it.
Teri, Charlaine, Colleen and family, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time, remember all the funnies to help you get through each day ❤️
Madelaine was the greatest person….At work in the pay office, curling and just having a conversation when I saw her. I am so honoured that I bought her book and read every page. Her and Charlie were out backyard neighbours for years….Teri, Charlaine, Colleen and « John boy » as we called him RIP , Her children and grandchildren and families will miss her immensely. It was an honour to know you. RIP Madelaine…..
So sorry for your loss. Our heartfelt sympathy to all the family. Thinking of you all with much Love. Madeleine was a very special lady. We value our friendship with her. We have so many special memories which we will treasure. Hugs! ❤️❤️
Condolences to the families. Seen Madeline two years ago in Ottawa . Had a great couple of hrs chatting about St Lawrence / Labrador City. I showed her a video of St Lawrence during Christmas time my niece dine the video . She said o my god look at our old house and tears started running down her face. RIP Madeline.🙏💐
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful mother. Thinking of you all at this most difficult time. I have so many fond memories of the years I worked with Madeline, memories which I treasure. She was a good friend.
R.I.P. Mrs. Banfield. Sympathies to Teri, Charlaine, Colleen and family. Such a nice lady.
She was a beautiful person and loved her family dearly. Her hometown was always on her mind and she loved getting together with fellow St. Lawerence persons which we did often. Beautiful memories.
Madeline was one of the most inspirational, intelligent, fair and kind people I have known. She was a lovely person whom I was incredibly privileged and proud to know and to call a friend.
Rest in peace.
Coleen et Jaques, nous pensons très fort à vous. Elle a rejoint les anges et ses souffrances se sont éteintes. Nous vous entourons de lumières et sommes avec vous en pensées. Bien hâte de vous revoir.
Vic et Marjo
Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Mes plus douces pensées sont avec vous dans ses temps difficile.
Toute la famille vous transmet nos sympathies. Nous vous envoyons de gros câlins et on pense fort à vous.
Anne, Simon, Léa et Samuel.
Coleen, Je pense à toi et ta famille en ces moments difficiles. La perte d’un être cher est toujours une grande souffrance et n’est jamais facile. Ta mère est maintenant dans son meilleur endroit et peut reposer en paix. La mort soulage nos proches de la douleur. Je comprends ta peine. Nos pensées de Michel et moi t’accompagnent. Gros câlins.
Teri, Charlaine, Coleen and extended family: We were saddened to hear of Madeleine’s passing. She was a special lady and I was privileged to have spent many years working with her. I have many great memories which I cherish. We had many conversations, covered many topics and expressed our opinions on many subjects including sports, politics, family and life in the North. Cherish your memories of great times together and support each other as you morn the loss of this fine lady. Be assured that you will be in our thoughts and prayers..
Dear Aunt Madeline, my heart is broken to know you are gone. Mom never truly seemed gone to me as long as I had you near. When I reached for the phone to hear her voice, I called you and had my mother once more. You were my solace more than once, and my cheer more often than not. Forever and always, I will hear your giggle and the clapping of your hands as Ed and I walked in to see you that last time. I will truly love you forever.
Dear Coleen, Charlaine and Teri – We’re so very sorry for your loss. Your Mom was a gem and loved by us all. She and Mom and her other sisters has such great times together in Florida and on the boat. I am deeply moved by the beautiful words and memories shared in the Eulogy.
We want you to know that we feel your grief deeply at this difficult time. Aunt Mad was a remarkable woman who touched the lives of everyone she met with her generosity and love. Her legacy will continue to live on in our hearts and memories.
Please know that you are not alone in your grief. The loss of your Mom so soon after the loss of my Mom brings me such sadness.
Sending you all our love and deepest condolences.
With heartfelt sympathy,
Dear Aunt Madeline, thank you for your kindness and love, your awesome sense of humour, and your resilient spirit. They have been an inspiration to me.
Despite the hardships, you always had a smile and some fond stories of home (and a few Werther’s candies) to share when we would visit. May you now rest in peace having lived a full life.
My condolences to all the family, especially my cousins, Coleen, Charlaine, and Teri.
i fondly verydifficemember the sisirers holiday we shared at Sanible Islabd Florida thatwas arramde by my derabwife Margaret.I also recali the elm
vert difiicut travel arrangements Madeline had tgetbfrimf Labrador City to Sanibal Island,II was fortuante to see all the sisiiters together havibg such a wonderfull time together.Itherbforbpartboft was a very specil time together arranged by their beloved babybsisiter Margaret.
Pete was lucky to be there for partnof their holidaytogether.
Perer Campbell
Many fond memories we have of your mom Madeline and your dad Charlie at Tarrant get togethers !! Miles apart unfortunately we’re not able to have frequent contact. Now she has joined her many siblings, son John and her granddaughter who have gone before her and we know a grand time it will be when they are together…..It’s been a tough year for the Tarrants.!!! Rest aunt Madeline….. love to all the family. Alan, Bernice and family.
I’m so sorry to hear of cousin Madeline’s passing. I don’t remember her much from St. Lawrence as I was very young when she left. She told me once that she used to babysit me when she was just a young girl. She was only 11 when I was born. I got to know her since, through Facebook and meeting with her at her book signing in St. Lawrence with her sister Fluorina. She was a wonderful lady and so enjoyed sharing and hearing family stories.
My condolences to Coleen, Theresa, Charlaine and their families as well as other close relatives. Rest in peace with all who have gone before.
Linley and I both send our condolences. We are family and we feel the loss.
God bless.
I remember Aunt Mad and Uncle Charlie from my days of growing up in St Lawrence when they would come home for a visit – and then later when I was in University..I think it was Charlie who was sitting in the back yard with Dad and I think Uncle Pad or maybe my Uncle Steve when I got my letter accepting me into the RCMP…
I know I visited a number of times in Labrador City and got to know all of the family fairly well.
A number of years later I was leading a group of Federal Game officers and RCMP conducting an investigation along the coast of Quebec of a ship who had been dumping oil into the sea. I came down for breakfast in the hotel and who should be siting there to get breakfast but Aunt Mad.
We had breakfast together and we got caught up on lot of things and then I gave her a drive to the office she had to go to do her review….we both commented you never know who you are going to run into when we travel… I of course called mom later and gave her the update of my visit.
Thinking of you all….