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Louise Mulligan 1

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Louise passed away peacefully on July 20, 2022 at 70 years of age, after a hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer. She left this world surrounded by love. Louise was born in Ottawa, Ontario on May 31, 1952 to proud parents Lucien Bonneville and Aline Sabourin.

She is survived by her beloved husband Richard Mulligan, daughters Nicole and Michelle (Melissa Girard), son Eric (Christine McKnight) and special granddaughter Maya. She will be greatly missed by her sister Hélène Bonneville and lovingly remembered by family, many nieces and nephews, cousins and friends. She is predeceased by her brother Richard Bonneville and sister Denyse Currie.

Louise worked for more than 30 years at the City of Ottawa. Her many passions over the years included dancing, playing golf, reading, cooking and baking.

A profound thank you to the dedicated staff at the Ottawa General Hospital Cancer Centre as well as to the palliative doctors, nurses and personal support workers at the Home and Community Care Support Services Champlain for their care and compassion.

Please join our family to celebrate Louise’s life at Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Rd. on July 28th. Visitation will be from 10 am – 11 am, the service will be at 11 am and a reception will follow.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation would be appreciated.


Louise est décédée paisiblement le 20 juillet 2022 à l’âge de 70 ans, après une bataille acharnée contre le cancer du pancréas. Elle a quitté ce monde entourée d’amour. Louise est née à Ottawa, en Ontario, le 31 mai 1952, de fiers parents Lucien Bonneville et Aline Sabourin.

Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux bien-aimé Richard Mulligan, ses filles Nicole et Michelle (Melissa Girard), son fils Eric (Christine McKnight) et sa petite-fille spéciale Maya. Elle sera grandement manquée par sa sœur Hélène Bonneville, ainsi que de nombreux neveux et nièces, cousins et amis.  Elle est prédécédée par son frère Richard Bonneville et sa sœur Denyse Currie.

Louise a travaillé pendant plus de 30 ans à la Ville d’Ottawa. Ses nombreuses passions au fil des ans comprenaient la danse, golf, lecture, cuisine et cuisson.

Nous tenons à remercier le personnel dévoué du Centre de Cancer de l’Hôpital Générale d’Ottawa ainsi que les médecins en soins palliatifs, les infirmières et les préposés aux services de soutien à domicile et en milieu communautaire Champlain pour leurs soins et leur compassion.

Joignez-vous à notre famille pour célébrer la vie de Louise au Complexe funéraire Heritage, 1250 chemin Trim, le 28 juillet prochain. Les visites se feront de 10h à 11h, le service sera à 11h et la réception suivra.

Au lieu de fleurs, des contributions commémoratives à la Fondation régionale du cancer d’Ottawa seraient appréciées.

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Louise, une des choses, particulier à toi que je me rappelle, est ton sourire, et tes yeux souriants. Aussi, nos années du secondaire au Couvent de la Sagesse.
Des sorties entre amies.
Ces moments resteront toujours de beaux souvenirs
Repose en paix Louise

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi Richard et à ta famille. Je garde d’excellents souvenirs de toi Louise, au couvent Notre-Dame de Lourdes, de notre belle visite et bon souper chez vous au Texas. Tu es partie trop vite mais les souvenirs restent à jamais. Bon courage à vous tous!

Our sincere condolences to all her family. Richard we’re thinking of you, you’ll hold on to all your wonderful memories with happy thoughts….I’m so glad we got to see her and chat with her this year. Take care of yourself. Hugs!!!

My sincere condolences go out to Louise’s family and friends. I had the pleasure of working at the City of Ottawa, and meeting her. A small group of us enjoyed having lunch together every day. I will always hold Lou as a special friends because our lunch hour was always enjoyable. RIP ma belle amie.

Our sincere condolences to Richard and the whole family. Although our friendship was only in the last few years, we had such good fond memories. Louise was such an easy going person ,with a great smile. Very soft spoken, gentle, and sweet. We will truly miss her.

My sincere condolences to Louise’s family and friends, I could not have asked for a better friend and mentor working with her in Long Term Care for the City of Ottawa. She will forever hold a special place in my ❤️.

Richard and Family,
We are thinking about you during this very Difficult Time.
Many fond memories of Louise and will always remember her Beautiful Smile and her laughter.
She is now at rest and has been reunited with her mom and sister. May she now RIP and I’m sure she will be keeping a watch over you all.
Heaven has gained another Angel.
She will be fondly remembered by all her family and friends.
Hold all your Special Memories together in your hearts and it will bring you comfort in the days ahead.
God Bless and Comfort you all in the days ahead.
Sending much Love and Caring Hugs
Linda and David Young

My condolences to Louise’s family and friends. I was very saddened at the news of her passing. I worked in the cubicle behind Louise at Centrepointe. I will always remember her smiling face and pleasant demeanor. She made everyone smile and laugh. I hope reading what a nice and kind person Louise was, will bring some comfort to her family.

Louise ton sourire restera toujours gravé dans notre belle mémoire de toi.

A Richard je dit courage et reste en contact
A toutes la famille je vous dit courage et force des beaux souvenirs de la chaleurs que Louise disoersait autour de toutes nos rencontres, que de beaux souvenirs Sincères sympathies à vous tous, elle est dans les main du Seigneu ou la souffrance n’existe plus

Nos plus sincères sympathies à toi Richard et la famille. Nous pensons à vous tous en cette période difficile.

Richard, Nicole, Michelle, Éric et Hélène,

Nous vous offrons nous plus sincères condoléances et bon courage. Richard, j’espère que l’amour que tu as pour ta petite-fille Maya saura te remplir de bonheur et que les prochains mois seront moins difficiles.

Rachelle et Guy Jetté

My deepest condolences on the recent passing of a dedicated mother, loving wife, kind co-worker, loyal friend. My thoughts are with the whole family but especially with you, Michelle

We are so very sorry for your loss Richard and family. Living across the street from you and Louise at Victoria palms have given us so many fun times. We got to know your family as you did ours. Louise was such a beautiful person and I can’t imagine how much you will miss her. Sending you huge hugs

I only met Louise twice. The last time was at her sister’s wedding Denyse who has also passed away. These two were beautiful and wonderful woman. I am so sorry for loss and offer my sincere condolences to all the family.

Richard my heart is with you and your family at this time. I feel honoured that Louise called me to say goodbye. I will cherish the memories of all the good times we’ve had together over the years. The laughter and tears. She was a very strong positive loving woman that will be missed. We’re so sorry we can’t be with you Thursday as we’re still in Winnipeg. We will be there in spirit. Miss you my friend

Toutes mes sympathies à toute la famille. Louise était une personne très attachante, toujours souriante et compréhensive. Elle avait toujours quelques minutes pour nous parler, nous pouvions lui faire confiance. Elle nous a manqué quand elle a quitté le Centre d’Accueil Champlain. C’est une personne qui a fait sa marque et que l’on oublie pas

Many years ago we were blessed to have Louise and Richard as next door neighbours. We remember Louise for her happy welcoming smile, and her helpful, kind, and friendly way.

We are very saddened for your loss Richard, and our thoughts are with you.

Randy & Viv

Our deepest condolences to the families of both Louise & Denyse! A terrible shock to see both of these vibrant & kind women, and sisters have passed & left their families in deep mourning! We met them in Victoria Palms in Texas and they were fun, loving life & such kind individuals and our deepest sympathies to Richard and all of their families! They will be forever in our memories.

Our Sincere condolence’s to Richard and Family. Louise was such a beautiful person. We are so fortunate to have had her in our lives. We have many special memories of good times in Texas. She was loved and will be missed by everyone who’s life she touched. Fly high! Always in our hearts.💕 Friends forever Randy and Sharon

Nos plus sincères sympathies Richard ainsi qu’à ta famille.
Nos pensées sont avec vous tous. Bon courage!

Chers Richard, Nicole et Maya, Michelle et Mélissa, Éric et Christine,

Nous vous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées vous accompagnent en ces moments difficiles.
Louise est la première maman que j’ai rencontré lors de mon arrivée à Orléans en juin 1981. Elle était une femme douce, d’une grande gentillesse et toujours de bonne humeur. Nous sommes devenues de bonnes amies.
Je garde des souvenirs précieux dans mon cœur, du temps qu’on a passé ensemble avec nos enfants à aller au groupe de jeu, aux cours de natation et aux cours de patinage. Et que dire de ces bons moments à rire et à jaser, en savourant notre «  bonne tasse de thé, pendant que nos enfants s’amusaient.
Repose en paix chère Louise, je ne t’oublierai jamais.
Scott et Suzanne

Our sincere condolences to you Richard and family. We are so blessed to have met Louise. She was such a kind beautiful soul, as well as a great dance partner in Texas. We will hold tight to the wonderful memories we have with her. Heaven has gained a beautiful angel. She will truly be missed.
Kathryn and Chris

Our deepest most sincere condolences to you and your family for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you 🙏 xox 💜🦋

Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt service with us. Louise was a special person filled with love and compassion. Her light now shines through those who had the privilege of knowing her. Shine bright like a diamond, my dear sweet friend. Gone but not forgotten.💕

To all of you Mulligan family

Richard, Nicole, Michelle (Melissa Girard) Eric (Christine Mc Knight) and Louise Maya.

Huge congratulations to all of you for sharing the highest praise with all of us.

Each and every one of you have truly demonstrated a strength that only love can give, you have demonstrated the strength of Louise’s smile, her joie de vivre and her big heart.

Throughout her life Louise prepared you all throughout her life to face these difficult times.

Louise shared her strength with you, that only her smile could move around all the people she met like no one else could.

You all have good reason to be extremely proud.

Know that your strength will grow daily like little guardian angel Louise Maya, who will share her grandmother’s brilliant smile that will now shine in the sky for all eternity.

Love to you all from Gisèle and Jacques

A vous tous famille Mulligan

Richard, Nicole, Michelle (Melissa Girard) Eric (Christine Mc Knight) et Louise Maya.

De très grande félicitations a vous tous pour avoir partager les plus grandes éloges avec nous tous.

Chacun et Chacune de vous avez vraiment démontre une force que seulement l’amour peut donne, vous avez démontre la force du sourire de Louise, sa joie de vivre et son grand coeur.

Toute au long de sa vie Louise vous préparaient tous et toutes au long de sa vie pour faire face a ces moments difficile.

Louise vous a partager sa force, que seule sont sourire pouvait déplacé autour de toutes les personnes qu’elle côtoyait comme nul autres pouvait le faire.

Vous avez tous de bonne raisons d’êtres extrêmement fier.

Sachez que votre force grandira a chaque jours comme la petite ange gardienne Louise Maya, qui partagera le brillant sourire de sa grand-mère qui maintenant brillera dans le ciel pour toute une éternité.

Amour a vous tous de Gisèle et Jacques

Our Sincere Condolences Richard and family! Our hearts and prayers go out to the family at this very difficult time! She was such a warm and loving lady. We will sure miss her at our winter home in Texas! Heaven has gained another Angel, RIP Louise with your sister Denyse! . Love Rosemary and Ron. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕

I worked with Louise at TBS. she was a ray of sunshine. She was kind, go lucky and it was a privilege to have known her.
My deepest sympathies Richard and foamy.

Lynn Cameron

My sincere condolences to the family. I just learned of her passing. I have fond memories of her when I was a child. Sending all of you strength and love during this difficult time.

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