À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Jocelyn Thibeault
À tous ceux qui l’ont connu, aimé et entouré de l’amour des siens, c’est avec sérénité que nous vous faisons part du décès de Jocelyn Thibeault, en date du 11 juillet 2022 .
Prédécédé par ses parents Bernard Thibeault et Rita Bolduc, son frère Edmond et de sa sœur Lili. Il laisse dans le deuil son frère (Jean-Nil). Il était l’époux bien-aimé de Johanne Marceau. Il laisse également dans le deuil ses 3 enfants : Marie-Joelle (Peter Lucke), Jonathan (Michelle Levac), Jeneviève (Nicholas Reynolds) et ses 6 petits-enfants qu’il adorait : Benjamin, Felix, Anika, Arianne, Micah et Lennox. Jocelyn affectionnait ses belles-sœurs Christine, Jocelyne, Nadia et Doris de même que ses beaux-frères Bernard, Réjean et Robert. Il chérissait également plusieurs neveux, nièces et amis.
La famille tient à remercier sincèrement le docteur Daniel Vincent et tout le personnel de la maison de soins palliatifs d’Ottawa (Maycourt). Leur dévouement, bons soins et soutien ont été inestimables.
Les funérailles auront lieu le samedi 6 août à 13 heures à la chapelle du Complexe funéraire Heritage, au 1250 ch. Trim, Orléans.
En mémoire de Jocelyn, vous pouvez faire un don auprès de ‘’Hospice Care Ottawa’’
Mes sympathies à Joanne et à toute la famille!
Mes sympathies les plus sincères à toutes la famille.
Jocelyn was like a second papa to me growing up. I spent many days and nights at the Marceau-Thibeault residence and they were some of the best memories of my childhood. He was such a kind and loving person. I still remember him tearing up as we watched My Girl all together at a sleepover. He had a great sense of humour and our families shared countless laughs together. Jocelyn and my dad were great friends when MJ and I were kids and sadly we lost him too early as well. You’re never too old to stop needing your parents and their loss leaves a hole in your heart that can never be filled. No one loves you the way your dad loves you and Jocelyn loved and was loved so much. My heart goes out to Joanne, MJ, Jenevieve and Jonathan who have to bear the weight of this grief and whose little babies have been robbed of their grandpa. Love you guys and miss you.
Sincères condoléances a toutes a famille Thibeault de Denyse et Gaetan Clermont
Dear JoAnne & Family
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your husband Jocelyn. We have been neighbors for over 20 years and enjoyed many conversations about hockey, fishing, and house repairs. and many other subjects of the day. Jocelyn spent a lot of his time outside tending to the garden and lawn care but the only thing that defeated him was his front lawn and after quite a few years of discussion he turned it into a rock garden and the problem was solved. He was quite handy inside the house as well doing many renovations and updates. He will be missed by myself and many neighbors as he spoke to all and always had a positive attitude and willingness to help anyone.
Rest in peace Jocelyn it was a pleasure to have you as a neighbor and as a friend.
Tom Tomaso
C’est avec tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de Jocelyn hier.
Ma chère Johanne, moi et Paula t’offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à toi et bien sur à toute la famille.
Chère Johanne et famille,
Serge et moi tenons à vous offrir nos plus sincères condoléances à l’occasion du décès de Jocelyn.
Je conserve le souvenir d’un Jocelyn enjoué et très agréable à rencontrer.
Nos pensées sont avec vous dans cette période difficile.
Ta cousine Marie-Andrée
Bonjour à La famille Thibeault / Marceau,
Nous voulons par ce petit mémo, moi (Alain ) et Linda et également Denise ici présente parmi nous, voulons vous offrir toutes nos sympathies, et voulons vous dire un bon courage afin de partager cette grosse étape …. On vous fait la plus belle des collâdes a vous toutes et tous .
Sachez que nous sommes avec vous … la famille a un lien fort peu importe la distance !
Bisous Johanne ! Alain & Linda xx
Merci à Carla Dearman ; son témoignage m’a beaucoup touché. Un témoignage dans l’essence de Jocelyn – un père présent et une personne tellement généreuse.
Jocelyn était le conjoint de mon amie Johanne, et tout comme avec elle, une relation de plus de 40 ans.
*** Moi, mon père est décédé lorsque j’avais 15 ans.
Et, pour moi, Jocelyn était l’incarnation ‘vivante’ du père que j’ai perdu trop tôt.
Dans mon imaginaire, mon père, si il avait vécu plus longtemps, il aurait été, surement comme Jocelyn, une personne habile pour plein de travaux, un être disponible, un homme chaleureux, et un super ‘grand-père’!
Marie-Joelle, Jonathan et Geneviève – mes pensées sont avec vous; ainsi qu’avec Johanne!
Dear Jen, Johanne & family,
I am so sorry for your loss.
To know Jocelyn was to love him. In the almost 20 years that ive known him, he proved to be a sincere, funny and very kind man. As Jen (his daughters best friend), he had alot of patience – especially during our teenage years of testing our parents boundaries ;). I always felt welcomed coming over and i could tell how much he loved his family especially his children.
Jen, the day you got married – i saw how proud your father was to walk you down the isle. To add, he was so proud to be a papi and i could tell by pictures the love he had for his grandbabies.
Jocelyn, you will always have a very special place in my heart.
Sending you all my love and strength during this difficult time. I am always here for you guys.
Rest in peace Jocelyn. It was such a priviledge to know you.
Love always,
Alexandra and The Gasoles
Rest in Peace Jocelyn. I remember when he came out of training and was posted to Courtenay, British Columbia where he would help me with my French and I with his English. He always did his best and was a gentleman. To the family so sorry for your loss.
My sincere condolences to Jocelyn’s family. We were troop mates and I had only run across Jocelyn once since we left. Like many troop mates we sort of lost touch and only recently there was a move to have reunion. Would have been nice to catch up. Jocelyn was such kind person, there would be no one in our troop that did not like like Joe. So sorry for your loss
Tim &Doris Belliveau
À Johanne et toute sa famille,
Nous tenons à vous offrir nos condoléances suite au départ de Jocelyn, ce bairiverin si fier et si généreux.
En cette période difficile sachez que toutes nos pensées sont avec vous.
Diane et Sylvain
À toi Johanne et toute ta belle famille
En ces jours si douloureux, des obligations nous retiennent à la maison et nous empêchent d’être présents auprès de vous.
De loin nous assisterons à la cérémonie et partagerons votre peine.
Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous. Bisous et courage
Jo, Gen, Jonathan, and Johanne:
My sincerest condolences. I will always remember Jocelyn’s kindness and his welcoming smiles. It was such a pleasure to have known him.
My wife Laura and I have known Jocelyn and Johanne since our days of working together – and starting our families together – in Courtenay and Comox, BC.
Our deep and wonderful friendship began with our spouses being pregnant at the same time and giving birth two days apart, Laura with Scotti and Johanne with Marie-Joelle, and has continued through these many years.
These last few months have given me time to reflect on our beautiful friendship and how much Laura and I cherished those times that were filled with such love and laughter.
You became our family when we were so far away from ours and made life more bearable for us, blessing us with your presence. We played together, laughed together (Jocelyn had such a contagious laugh – you started laughing because he was!), had some tears together, had babies together, played cards and games together, had baptisms together and even lived through drive-by fruitings together – remember Harrison Hot Springs.
It has always amazed me how quickly the years melt away with just a conversation – the sign of deep friendship and love.
Jocelyn (and Johanne and MJ, Jon and Jen), you made our lives rich and fulfilled and gave our whole family wonderful memories that we built together – I can’t thank you enough.
You have a beautiful family and you are loved deeply by so many – that is the testament of a life well lived. Rest peacefully my friend, until we meet again.
Jim (and Laura), Matthew, Scotti, Emma and Seamus
RIP Joce. Mon partenaire du cours d’anglais à Dépôt, Régina et puis mon partenaire de la troupe 6 de la GRC. Malgré que nous nous sommes pas vu depuis 40 ans, je pense à toi aujourd’hui. Heureux de t’avoir parlé au téléphone il y a quelques mois et se rappeler des bons souvenirs.
Nos sincères condoléances Johanne.
Diane Déziel et Martin paquet