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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Jeffrey Aldo P. Gomes

C’est avec grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Jeffrey qui nous a quitté paisiblement samedi matin. Malgré son polyhandicap (il n’avait que 18 mois dans son corps abimé de 39 ans) tous ceux qui l’on côtoyé témoignent de son rire contagieux. Il laisse dans le deuil sa maman, Maria Conceição de Sousa; son papa, Jean-Pierre Séguin; son frère, Matthew Gomes; sa sœur, Anne-Renée Séguin (Mathieu Filion); sa nièce, Sasha Filion; et son neveu, Gabriel Filion.

Jeffrey also leaves in sorrow the many caregivers who worked with him. He was a beacon of light and joy. He enriched everyone’s lives that got a chance to be around him. Jeffrey had a beautiful and happy life full of challenges and experiences. He will be dearly missed by many and he will keep on living in all our hearts.  We love you Jeffrey. We miss you.

Une célébration de sa vie aura lieu chez ses parents le 9, 10 et 11 août, 2024. Veuillez les contacter pour plus d’informations. We will celebrate his life, at his parents’ place, on Aug. 9, 10 & 11, 2024. You may contact them for further information.

Voici quelques organismes dont vous pouvez faire un don au nom de Jeffrey.

Here are some foundations which you can make a donation in Jeffrey’s name.

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Mes sincères condoléances à la famille! Je me souviendrai toujours de son grand sourire quand je lui parlais et tenais ses mains.

Nos plus sincères condoléances Maria Conceiçāo et Jean-Pierre.
Vous êtes dans nos prières et nos pensées.
Bibiane et Marc

My dearest Maria and Jean-Pierre:
I am so saddened by Jeffrey’s passing,
My daughters Laura and Melanie always enjoyed being in Matthew and Jeffrey’s presence when we used to get together…… whether it was for basketball or for a christmas party. They all shared such challenges in life, but God holds a special place for them. I pray that you find the peace and comfort to get through this difficult time. Jeffrey’s smile will live on forever.

Toutes mes plus sincères condoléances à Conceicao, Jean-Pierre, Matthew, Anne-Renée et tous ceux qui sont dans la peine suite au décès de Jeffrey.
Mes profondes pensées et prières vont vers vous.

Little Jeffrey was always one of the brightest and funniest friends in the room and I look fondly back to the days of him dancing in his chair with those pointy fingers, pushing the lunch vegetables round the table lol and just laughing at the silly things while spreading the contagious giggles round. It was such a pleasure to get to know him, Jeffrey will really be missed!

I was blessed to have met Jeffrey thanks 🙏 to the kindness of his dear mother to join her at the home where Jeffrey was residing.. He had a smile that you could not miss and especially when his mom spoke to him, and joked with him. The laughter came quickly as she engaged with him. Maria you have been such an amazing mother to your boys and I believe in my heart ♥️ that Jeffrey felt the love deeply you gave.

Maria, Jean Pierre and family,
I just heard the news about Jeffery and want to express our deepest condolences for his passing. It was nice to get to know him through the great stories you would share about the « boys « during our tai chi classes. In this time of sorrow, mixed with gratitude for the sheer joy of Jeffery’s life, know that we are with you. Kind Regards❤

Maria et Jean-Pierre, nos plus sincères condoléances ainsi qu’à votre famille. Nous pensons à vous dans ces moments difficiles.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Conceição et à Jean-Pierre.
Je pense à vous et bon courage à vous deux.

My deepest condolences o you all. I remember the times when he was able to join us at the Seguin Christmas party between Christmas and New Year. His smile was indeed contagious. He brought light to the gathering. Wishing you peace.

When we last talked Maria, the love for your sons vibrated through your every words….may you find peace and accept the love from those around you who love you to soothe the road to accepting your loss.

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