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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Indira Venkateswaran

It is with immense sorrow and regret that we inform you that Smt. Indira Venkateswaran, beloved spouse of the late Dr. Ananthakrishna Iyer Venkateswaran, and mother of Dr. Rashmi Venkateswaran (Ottawa), Dr. Anand Iyer (Washington, DC) and Mrs. Meena Kothandaraman (Lexington, MA), passed away peacefully in the early afternoon of September 12, 2024.

Smt. Indira Venkateswaran was a resident of Ottawa since 1964. She was an exceptional wife and mother, who took pride in her Hindu culture and never missed an opportunity to share it with others. At a time when there were few Indians in Canada, she travelled proudly and independently everywhere, dressed in a sari and wearing a pottu/bindi. She was first to volunteer at her children’s school, and later taught at Montessori for many years. She volunteered for over 30 years at the Ottawa Hospital, General campus, CHEO, and the Children’s Exhibit at the Canadian Museum of History. She also worked for the Government of Canada as a translator and interpreter. Her proudest accomplishment was the establishment of a Heritage Hindi school. She created all the teaching content and made learning Hindi a memorable and enjoyable experience for countless students. The annual shows were widely attended in anticipation of the plays she wrote and which the graduating students presented entirely in Hindi.

Before the Hindu Temple of Ottawa was even built, Smt. Indira and Sri Venkateswaran’s home served as the local temple, open to everyone and celebrating all yearly festivals. Monthly sankirtan/bhajanai were held to help encourage the children and youth of our community to learn and revere our traditions. Navaratri was grandly celebrated with the first kolu in Ottawa. Everyone was invited, friends known and new, to attend wearing their finest traditional attire and jewellery. At each of these events, people left with their eyes feasting on traditional dolls, pictures and murthis of India, their ears filled with beautiful, spiritual music and their bellies replenished with delicious food, all homemade. Smt Indira and Sri Venkateswaran made their home a warm and welcoming place for all and a great many of those children and youth attribute their interest in our culture and traditions to the memories created in this home.

Smt. Indira was an accomplished musician. She was a Rajasthan state champion sitar artist of the Nikhil Banerjee gharana and a gifted tabla player. She taught both sitar and tabla for many years in Ottawa. Her love of music extended to her children, and she sacrificed the comforts of her life in Ottawa to take them yearly to India to undergo intensive training in Carnatic music (vocal, mridangam and violin). It was an immense source of pride to her to see her children perform professionally.

Smt. Indira was an incredible cook, and her delectable dishes are still remembered by one and all who tasted her cooking. An entire generation of bachelor graduate students in Ottawa claim without a shadow of a doubt that they survived and flourished thanks to the food she so affectionately fed them. Regardless of what time of day some0ne showed up at her doorstep, she would always have food ready for them. A wonder that all her children still marvel at to this day.

She had a bright laugh and a kind word for everyone who met her. She will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by all, but especially by her daughter Rashmi, son-in-law Hari Parameswaran, and their children Amaresh and Nikhila, her son Anand, daughter-in-law Anita, and their children Keshav and Arya, and her daughter Meena, son-in-law Murali, and their children Ameya and Naveen. She leaves behind her loving siblings and countless other family members as well as innumerable friends.

Smt. Indira left her mark on the local community, the Indian community, friends, family and even strangers. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that you make a donation to the Arthritis Society of Canada.

The funeral will take place at the Heritage Funeral Home (https://heritagefh.ca/) on Monday September 16, 2024, 10AM EDT. For those who cannot attend, a live-streaming link can be found at the website.

We thank you all for the kind messages in which you have shared your memories of Smt. Indira and expressed your love and admiration for her but hope you will understand when we ask that you give the family time to recover from the shock of this sudden loss. Your support, kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.

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We are heartbroken to know that our dear Mami is no more. We have such fond memories of Mama and Mami taking the para Transpo and spending an entire afternoon with us over several years. My parents would wait for them and those were wonderful times. My last conversation with Mami was a long one and she had much to advise on how to care for my mom including the right medication for her condition. She was so proud of her children and grandchildren and was so appreciative of the love and care she received from Rashmi and Hari.. Our deepest condolences to all of you and may Mami’s soul rest in eternal peace.

Hello Hari and Rashmi,
We are deeply sorry to hear that your Mothere-in-law passed away. I hope the Allmighty granted you guys strength and courage to endure these tough times. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. May your recovery be swift and complete. Looking forward to seeing you back to your vibrant self soon.

Warmest wishes,

Assas / Yvanne

Hi Rashmi & Hari,
Sad to know that the Legendary Icon of Ottawa is no more. She contributed a lot to the Indian community and Indian culture since 1964. You gave her a great care during her sickness. Her blessings will be with you forever. Our deepest condolences to your family. I pray God to give you strength and courage to overcome the loss. May her soul rest in peace. 🙏🙏🙏

Our heartfelt condolences. Even though not met her , had heard about her from her brother Prem Shanker and S- in- law Brinda

Her periamma’s daughter from India

Rashmi (Hari), Anand (Anita), Mena (Murali), grandchildren and extended family
I know there are no words that can ease the pain of losing a loved one. My deepest condolences to all of you and may the precious memories of your mother comfort you and your family during this difficult time. Indira was a remarkable person who left a mark in the community and all who knew her. She will be greatly missed. May she rest in peace.
Just know I will always be here for you no mater what.

Hello, Rashmi, Anand and Meena. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your mother. She was an amazing lady and a wonderful hostess. Always welcoming with a cup of tea and snacks. I will truly miss her and her delightful conversations. My heart was always lighter after a talk with Indira. I pray God to give her SADGATI. Rest in Peace, Indira.

When we (Chandra and Vaidy) landed in a strange city in Canada, our first introduction to an established Indian community In Ottawa, was Smt. Indira and her late and devoted husband Dr. Venkateswaran. We were invited to their home and gosh what a surprise. There were many more members of the Indian diaspora, and the event was celebrated with Hindu bhajans followed by sumptuous and delicious homemade food in abundance. We were overwhelmed with their generosity and kindness and our fears of having moved into a strange neighbourhood quickly vanished. We truly felt at home as we began to frequent the Venkateswaran’s household for many more years. We watched with awe, the way they brought up their lovely and gifted children with a blend of East and West culture and turn them into magnificent citizens of their adopted country. In their departure from us, we miss one of the greatest stalwarts of the Hindu family in Ottawa. May Smt. Indira’s soul rests in the rightful place near her lovely husband.

Our heartfelt condolences, dear Rashmi. May her departed soul attain moksha.
May almighty provide you and your family with the courage to tide over difficult times.
Mami has left behind such fond memories to hold dear and big shoes to fill in.

We will always remember her warm and welcoming smile!! Very very sorry for your loss.

Prayers and condolences
Panch & Deepa

Really we all miss you dearest Indira Chitti…..Rajamani Chitappa. Such a proud Patti, Thatha we have got. Ranjitha family, Shyam, Sanjana we all love you a lot…..Lots of enquiries namaskarams & really missing you all. Especially my music has got this much enthusiasm, energy it’s all because of you chitti. Lots of namaskarams from Radha Chitti as well. She really loves her chitti a lot….Such a loving Patti Thatha we have.

Dear Rashmi,
Ramesh and I are deeply saddened by the passing of your dear mother, our Indira mami (same name as my mother). Our deepest condolences to the entire family for this great, great loss. I still fondly remember the day when I happened to meet you, Meena and Mami in Varadharam’s Silk Saree Store, with my mother, in Chennai in 1990, before my move to Ottawa and our friendship all these years in Ottawa.
Mami will be remembered as ever smiling, loving and kind. She will always be in our hearts.
Aum Shanthi.
Jayasri & Ramesh

Ceremony performed with such love and grace and dignity
Regrets for not being to attend in person .
to pay our deep respect and love

Dear Mom
Soar high in your onward journey. Let it be peaceful. You have left an irreplaceable mark on the lives of so many around the globe. Our sincere thanks for all that you have done for us and for humanity at large. With love. Anand. Anita. Keshav. Arya

Dearest Rashmi, Hari, Amaresh, Nikhila
We are so heartbroken to hear our dearest mami’s passing. Please accept our sincere condolences. I’m sure she is now reunited with dearest mama, our appa and all their friends and family in heaven. I’ve so many beautiful memories of mami, her liveliness, smile and the giggles as she shared her stories of her growing up years . We will truly miss her physical presence but her memory will live on. Our love and hugs to you all during this difficult time. Om Shanti 🙏🏽

Indira Venkateswaran was a star of her age and time. To many newcomers in Ottawa, she offered warmth and inspiration to pursue a new culture while embracing the old. She was always ready to help anyone in trouble. Our family had the opportunity of participating in bhajans and navratris held at her house. Our two girls learned the beauty of Indian music from Meena. Many thanks to the entire family. Indira has her place in our hearts and shall be always cherished for her talents, perseverance and friendliness.

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