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Harold Reid

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Passed away peacefully on May 11, 2023 at the age of 88 years. He was the son of the late Muriel Reid (nee McDuff) and the late Edward Reid and beloved husband to Hélène Reid (nee Patry). He leaves in sorrow multiple brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, and friends. He was predeceased by his daughters Donna Reid and Debbie Reid and his son Gary Reid. 

A memorial service will be held in the privacy of the family.

In memory of Mr. Reid, donations to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, Cystic Fibrosis Canada or the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated.


Décédé paisiblement le 11 mai 2023 à l’âge de 88 ans. Il était le fils de feu Muriel Reid (née McDuff) et de feu Edward Reid et l’époux bien-aimé d’Hélène Reid (née Patry). Il laisse dans le deuil plusieurs beaux-frères, belles-sœurs, neveux, nièces et amis. Il fut prédécédé par ses filles Donna Reid et Debbie Reid et son fils Gary Reid.

Un service commémoratif aura lieu dans l’intimité de la famille.

En mémoire de M. Reid, des dons à la Société Alzheimer du Canada, Fibrose kystique Canada ou à la charité de votre choix seraient grandement appréciés.

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« Hey, kid! »
After marrying into a family with so many nieces and nephews, uncle Hal couldn’t keep track of us all. So « hey, kid! » was his fave way to address me. He was one of the « cool uncles, » with his Elvis-style hair, tall handsome swagger and his confident, often cocky facade that covered up a sensitive side that he kept tucked away more often than not. He convinced me, before I became the wiser, that the scar on his forehead was from a bullet wound he suffered in « the war » — claiming that he averted serious injury by swiftly dodging from the bullet’s path. Only as a teen did I think « Hey, wait a minute! He’s not old enough to have been in a war! »

I’m sad to see you go, dear uncle, but relieved that your suffering was short. Now you can rest and be reunited with your dear daughters. Say hi to Debbie and Donna for me please.


Edmond & family

I agree, uncle Hal really was a « cool uncle. » There are so many fond memories of times when uncle Hal, aunt Helene, Debbie and Donna would often stay with us on their frequent visits to Ottawa. I was always thrilled to hear they were coming. We also spent many weekends with them in Toronto as well. He was always very entertaining to say the least and I had such a crush on this tall, handsome man. I can still see him after a hard days work, sitting on his favourite chair, feet up and listening to Neil Diamond. It was very evident how much aunt Helene adored him and the twins.

I am so sorry for your loss Aunt Helene.

Rest in Peace Uncle Hal
Pauline, John and Family

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