À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Gerald (Gerry) M.J. Lylyk
It is with a deep sadness we announce the passing of Gerald (Gerry) M.J. Lylyk. Gerry passed away on March 21st, 2023, at the age of 68 after a courageous battle with cancer. He is survived by his loving wife Line, his sons Jonathan (Stefanie), and Sebastien, his sister Sharon, and beloved grandchildren Ethan and Ariel.
Gerry loved spending time with his family, particularly his two grandchildren. They both greatly enjoyed spending time with Grandpa, whether at home, or at the cottage. He always made sure to have time for them; they will dearly miss him.
Gerry was pursuing a second career as part-time business Professor at Algonquin College. He enjoyed teaching and imparting his business knowledge to his students. He gained his business acumen throughout the many years of his professional career, beginning with an MBA from the University of Manitoba followed by multiple professional positions within various organizations, including: Manitoba Telephone Service, Bell Canada and the Federal Public Service of Canada.
We will miss you, Gerry, Dad, Grandpa Gerr, brother; but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.
Visitation will be held at the Heritage Funeral Complex (1250 Trim Road. Orléans, ON). on Friday, March 31st, from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. followed by a Chapel Service and a reception.
Trop aimé pour être oublié ! Un beau frère aimant, attentionné et avec une joie de vivre inoubliable ! Ginette et Yvon xox
Toutes nos sympathies Line ainsi qu`à ta famille.
Sincères condoléances à Jon et la famille.
My deepest sympathies to Line, Jonathan, Stefanie, Sebastien, Sharon, and the grandchildren. I am sure I need not tell you how important you all were to him. Gerry definitely had the gift of the gab….during my time working with Gerry at the CRTC, he shared so many stories about you all with such great pride and joy. He also told some very funny stories about his parents and his adventures growing up.
Gerry was also proud of his Ukrainian Heritage. He use to often joke about bringing in his Accordion to play for us at the office on Cultural Day.
Gerry was instrumental establishing the CRTC’s Practices and procedures for staff-assisted mediation, final offer arbitration, and expedited hearings. In this role as Director, Gerry was always patient, ready to listen and to help wherever he could to bring people and parties to a meeting of minds.
I will remember Gerry as a gentle soul. RIP.
Chère Line et famille,
Nous ne trouvons pas les mots pour vous dire à quel point nous sommes touchés par le décès de votre cher époux. Gerry était une personne gentille et agréable. Le vide qu’il laisse est immense. Nous partageons votre peine et votre tristesse en cette période éprouvante
Peter, Suzanne et Michael van Duynhoven
Thinking of you and the boys, Line. Gerry was always smiling and kind. The two of you built such a warm and loving home together. Sending so much love to you.
Je garde souvenirs d’oncle Gerry toujours souriant, gentil, posé, qui parlait avec fierté de ses garçons et de ses petits enfants, et qui était toujours intéressé à prendre de nos nouvelles. Je me souviens de lui qui joue de l’accordéon dans les partys de famille. Plus récemment, dans nos dernières jasettes il racontait sa passion nouvelle pour l’enseignement – sa nouvelle occupation de retraité. Il était heureux. Repose en paix oncle Gerry.
Tante Line, Jonathan, Sebastien, Stefany et les petits cocos, nos plus sincères sympathies.
Anne-Marie Le Bel, Nicolas Goulet, Félix, Xavier et Camille.
My deepest sympathies to Seb and the family. I just found out about this sad news sorry I couldn’t make it to the service but I am thinking of you in these hard moments. Your dad was a great man with a big heart!
Stop in for a beer when you come up to the cottage!!
Bonsoir Line, nous venons d’apprendre la triste nouvelle concernant ton mari. Même avec un peu de retard, nous tenons à te souhaiter nos plus sincères condoléances. Quelle triste nouvelle! Bon courage à toi, tes enfants et tes petits-enfants. Carole, Ron et Eric Breen . Xox