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Richer Francois

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C’est avec tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de François Richer le 4 décembre 2022, à l’âge de 51 ans.

Il fut prédécédé par son père Léandre Richer. Il laisse dans le deuil, sa mère, Collette Richer (Lacroix), ses soeurs Ann (Louis) et Peggy ; ses frères, Charles et Marc (Sylvie Lahaie), ainsi que ses nièces et neveux.

La famille désire remercier le personnel de Inner City Health d’Ottawa et les Bergers de l’espoir pour le soutient qu’ils ont apporté à François.

Il y aura un service funèbre privé à une date ultérieure.

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Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille Richer.
Nous avons connu Francois au marché By. Nous avions un kiosque au marché.
Francois passait nous voir tous les jours. Il nous saluait tous.
Il était un homme franc, honnête, poli et très respectueux.
Il était unique et spéciale.
Repose en paix Francois (Frank).

Chère Madame Richer et famille,

I knew/met Frank when we were 14 when he was in the cadets; I remember picking him up in Petawawa after a really long summer. We reconnected in 2007….we laughed so hard as we barely recognized each other. Who could forget those eyes! Frank was a beautiful soul. He was always so positive. He will be sorely missed; I’ll miss waking him up. Rest in peace my beautiful Frank.

Kim Laflamme

My condolences to you and your family.
I met frank about 15 years ago while doing outreach, and seen him on an almost daily basis on my way to work. Francois was a very bright man, who’s presence will be missed sorely by those who knew him.

It was a blessing knowing Frank, and my mornings aren’t the same without his greeting.

RIP Frank and my condolences to your loved ones. You are a kind soul and have the best jokes one could ask for after a night out in the market. You will be missed.

Francois has been a part of my life for several decades now. At first as a stranger who would hang out in the market near my place, always saying « god bless » whenever I passed by. Later as a friend who would call me little sister, chat with me and always brighten my day. I feel his loss deeply and I wish Collette and the rest of his family comfort during this time.

My deepest condolences to the Richer family.

I had the pleasure of first meeting Frank about 10years ago when I was working in the ByWard market. For several years of my life, Frank was a staple of my environment; a seemingly universal constant. Amidst some of the darker and more unpleasant aspects of the market, Frank was always a shinning beacon of light and positivity. His unique personality and upbeat demeanor will be very much missed. May he rest in peace.

Ann, Louis et les garçons:
Nos plus sincères sympathies Ann. J’ai croisé à plusieurs reprises ce jeune homme en me disant qu’il me faisait penser à notre Benoît.
Puisses-tu être réconforter par le fait qu’il est maitnenat au chaud et sous la bienveillance de son Sauveur et sa famille.
Francine Fortier-ThéBerge

Nos sincères condoléances à toute votre famille, j’ai rencontré François il y a une dizaine d’années sur le marché By, je le voyais assez régulièrement durant nos sorties sur le marché. François était toujours joyeux avec son grand sourire, j’ai eu l’occasion de prier avec lui et il aimait bien entendre le psaume 23. J’ai bien aimé nos rencontres avec François et il va nous manquer. Qu’il puisse reposer en paix. Vous pouvez me contacter si vous le voulez 613-795-2351
Pierre Labonté

Frank was a ray of sunshine. He saw parts of life many people never see and he’d still be ready to greet folks with a smile and a joke. I was so happy the day he told me his name so I could say hello properly when I crossed paths with him. The world is less without him but I hope wherever he is now he’s soaking up luxury and warmth. Rest easy, friend, you deserve peace 💜

We miss you so much François! You were surely a member of our family at Shoppers Drug Mart, Dalhousie St…always positive…always kind and always respectful…you were someone we loved….may you be happy in heaven xo Karen…your Pharmacist

Francois was special. My fondest memory of living in the market was a snowy night, walking back to my condo from the Snug Pub and someone had given Frank snow pants as he sat there on York street in the snow. He was so thankful and at peace. I am so glad others have felt the same way about him that I did. RIP Frank and of course “God Bless You!”

As a resident of the Byward Market who saw Frank almost daily, he was a good neighbour kind and friendly. He made the neighbourhood feel real not worldly where all others rush doing so called important things in their lives. He offered more important things to all: God Bless You. to everyone he would say.

Dear family of Francois,

Frank always made my shifts at work more tolerable. I would always look forward to seeing him. I’m so saddened by this news. Fly high Frank 💗

Mes sympathies Collette & la Famille.

Thanks to all the others for sharing your stories about Frank. I’m sure he appreciated your kindness towards him.

His nickname growing up was “galot”! I hadn’t seen him since after high school (Ecole Secondaire Embrun Class of ‘89). I had no idea he was living on the streets.

He worked a lot for his parents in his teenage years…Chez Collette Potato Shack…poutine was the bomb and definitely the best I’ve ever had to this day!

We would try to grab him 2-3 times a month on his nights off to drink a box of beer on the back roads when Embrun was still a small country town.

He was always nice, sociable, a joker and a kind person to everyone.

RIP Frank (Galot). Décédé tellement trop jeune à l’âge de 51 ans!

Mes Sympathies madame Riché Marc Charley Peggy et Ann.
Galot comme on l’a Baptisé vas être ds nos Belle mémoire quand vous étiez tous Embrun, un âmes doux et coeur gros comme un éléphant! Bon Courage en ses Moments Difficile
Denis Vanier

To his mother, Collette Richer (Lacroix), his sisters Ann (Louis) and Peggy; his brothers, Charles and Marc (Sylvie Lahaie), as well as his nieces and nephews and all the kind folks in ByWard Market who enjoyed Frank Richer’s jokes and company. I am so sorry for your loss. May Frank’s light keep shining during this dark Christmas and forever, because we hold him forever in our hearts.

J’ai rencontré Frank pour la première fois en 2007. Je le voyais régulièrement, puisque je travaillais dans le Marché. Je l’ai toujours connu comme étant quelqu’un de positif et extrêmement gentil. J’avais toujours grand plaisir à le rencontrer et à passer du temps avec lui. Nous avions presque le même âge. J’ai obtenu des oeuvres d’art le représentant. J’aimerais faire don d’une d’elles à sa famille (voir photo ci-jointe). Svp, communiquez avec moi.

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I very vividly remember the last time Frank and I saw each other. It was one of those warm yet also cold fall days in Ottawa, Bright sun, cool air, formidable. Just by Sasloves. I had tears in my eyes from the crispness of the air, the blinding sun, and a little sadness. He called out “God Bless” and I halted. Un-fogged my glasses. My day was lifted. There was a beam of sunshine over the market square building on to where he was sitting. And when I said “God Bess you too Frank!” I didn’t know it would be for the last time.
I hope that the stories of his impact shed light and bring peace. GBNF

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