À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Doris Elizabeth « Biddy » Gillies
Doris Elizabeth « Biddy » (Ritchie) Gillies
On April 18th, 2023, just shy of her 83rd birthday, Biddy Gillies passed away peacefully in Perth, Ontario. She battled valiantly over the past few years and always maintained her sense of humor, a feisty disposition along with her positive, loving attitude. She never stopped receiving calls and visitors and never stopped asking genuine heartfelt and sometimes shockingly pointed questions. She laughed with and knew all the nurses who cared for her, intimately. She lived a wonderful life. Rich, with a wealth of deep friendships and all of them were valuable to her. She had a remarkable ability to make one feel as though they were the most important person in the room within minutes of meeting her. Everyone who knew her felt as though they were deeply connected to her, as if they had known her forever. She had a unique and real magnetism about her and a wonderful sense of humor. Biddy was proud to be a registered nurse and in the nursing sisterhood. She graduated from the Ottawa Civic Hospital and worked in Orthopedics at the Ottawa General Hospital from 1982-2002. She was a phenomenal nurse as many will tell you and was always gracious with the rookies and her patients alike. She worked hard and honestly and always gave her best.
Biddy married Alastair William (Scotty) Gillies on October 17th, 1964. She loved him dearly and with all her heart. They balanced and complimented each other. They shared values and a love of people, socializing and a great many other things. She loved to dance with him any time the opportunity arose and that was so important to her. They shared many loves. A love of nature, animals, games and most importantly a love of family and friends. She leaves a loving son Glen and three Grand children Tanner, Riley and Peyton. The sun shone on her Grand children, and she had a strong bond and connection with each of them.
Biddy was the youngest of 4 children born to John Ritchie and Doris Ritchie otherwise known as Jack and Dossie and was raised in Ottawa. An Ottawa Valley girl she used to say. She was predeceased by her siblings John Ritchie, Jane (Ritchie) Stephenson and Harold « HAL » Ritchie and is survived by numerous nieces and nephews.
Biddy loved Bobs Lake and hosting friends, family and gatherings there. She loved to play dominoes, cards or to attend the local county bingo hall. Biddy always had enough food for everyone, typically far more than could ever be consumed. She loved her white wine and although she owned fancy crystal wine glasses, at the cottage she almost always used her plastic parrot Dollar Store glasses or her favorite flamingo wine glasses. Its just who she was and what she loved. All leftovers went to her beloved dogs.
A heartfelt and sincere thanks to all the staff in Honeysuckle Haven at the Lanark Lodge in Perth for their wonderful and caring treatment of Biddy throughout her last months.
A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday May 20th, 2023, starting at 1pm for greeting and 2pm for service and open to all at the Heritage Funeral Complex at 1250 Trim Rd, Orleans, Ont. K4A-3P7.
In lieu of flowers she would have preferred donations to be made to a charity of your choosing.