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Est décédé le mercredi 5 juin 2024, à l’âge tendre de 35 ans, après une courte mais vaillante bataille contre le cancer. Né le 16 mars 1989 à Kirkland Lake, en Ontario, il était le fils bien-aimé d’Hélène Larose (née Labonté) et de Rhéal Larose. Il était fier de ses racines du Nord et francophones. Outre ses parents, il laisse dans le deuil sa partenaire Eliza Heringer, sa chère sœur Julie Douglas (Aidan), son neveu et ses nièces adorés : Alice, Dominic et Catherine, ainsi que son nouveau compagnon, Chief. Il laisse également dans le deuil plusieurs oncles, tantes, cousins, ses beaux-parents Richard et Denise Heringer, son beau-frère Max (Alexis) et de nombreux amis.

Denis a utilisé ses mots avec parcimonie mais a veillé à ce qu’ils aient un impact, souvent avec un effet comique. Il était bon et généreux, travaillant dur pour trouver des cadeaux attentionnés et adaptés à chacun de ses proches. Il aimait assister à des concerts et à des spectacles d’humour. Il adorait apporter ses talents culinaires aux dîners de famille. Surtout, il a hérité de son père sa passion pour l’automobile, qui a influencé de nombreux aspects de sa carrière, notamment en travaillant comme évaluateur et administrateur d’entreprise chez Kanata Collision. Il a également entrepris l’évaluation de véhicules dans le cadre de l’entreprise de Dad, Ray’s Automotive Appraisals. Il était ravi d’hériter de la Pontiac Strato-Chief 1958 de son oncle Gilbert, qu’il travaillait avec amour à restaurer à son apogée. Il voyageait fréquemment avec Dad aux salons automobiles et aux marchés aux puces. Denis était vice-président de l’AACA région d’Ottawa. Il manquera à tous ceux qui partageaient sa passion pour les voitures classiques et à tous ceux qui ont connu sa nature timide mais amicale.

La famille invite parents et amis au Complexe funéraire Heritage situé au 1250, chemin Trim Orleans, ON, le dimanche 9 juin, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h. Une messe commémorative sera célébrée le lundi 10 juin à 11h en la paroisse Sainte-Marie, 4831, chemin Innes, Orléans, ON. La messe sera suivie d’une réception à Maple Hall, 2552, chemin Old Montréal à Cumberland.

À la mémoire de Denis, des dons à la Société de recherche sur le cancer seraient grandement appréciés.


Passed away on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at the  tender age of 35, after a short but valiant battle with cancer. Born March 16, 1989 in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, he was the beloved son of Hélène Larose (née Labonté) and Rhéal Larose. He was proud of his northern and francophone roots. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his partner Eliza Heringer, his dear sister Julie Douglas (Aidan), his cherished nephew and nieces: Alice, Dominic and Catherine, and his new companion, Chief. He is also survived by many uncles, aunts, cousins, dear in-laws Richard and Denise Heringer, brother-in-law Max (Alexis) and many friends.

Denis used his words sparingly but ensured they landed with impact, often with comedic effect. He was kindhearted and generous, working hard to find thoughtful presents appropriate to each of his loved ones. He enjoyed taking in concerts and comedy shows. He loved contributing his culinary skills to family dinners. Most of all, he inherited his passion for automobiles from his father, and which informed many aspects of his career, including working as an appraiser and business administrator at Kanata Collision. He also took on appraising vehicles as part of Dad’s business, Ray’s Automotive Appraisals. He was thrilled to inherit his uncle Gil’s 1958 Pontiac Strato-Chief, which he was lovingly working on restoring to its prime. He frequently travelled with Dad to car shows and flea markets. Denis was the Vice-President of AACA Ottawa Region. He will be missed by all who shared his passion for classic cars, and many who experienced his shy but friendly nature.

The family invites relatives and friends to the Heritage Funeral Complex located at 1250 Trim Orleans Road, ON, on Sunday, June 9, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.   A memorial Mass will be celebrated on Monday, June 10, at 11AM at Sainte-Marie Parish, 4831 Innes Road, Orléans, ON.  A luncheon will take place afterwards at Maple Hall at 2552 Old Montreal Road in Cumberland.

In Denis’ memory, donations to the Cancer Research Society would be greatly appreciated.


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My sincerest condolences to you, Julie, and your entire family on the loss of Denis. I am certain you will find peace and comfort in your many memories of him.

Amber Pohl

Our sincere condolences for your loss. I know your hearts are hurting but they will heal eventually. Remember all the great things about Denis. That always helps. May God bless and comfort you at this hard time. Much love to you all.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this most difficult time. Words cannot help you but know we understand and feel for your loss. Hugs to all 💙🙏

Hélène, Rhéal, Julie et famille,
Nous partageons votre peine en ce moment de deuil et nous vous assurons de nos sentiments les plus affectueux.
Raymond et Mirelle

To my uncle Ray, Tante Helene and Julie,
To know Denis was nothing short of an honor. As quiet as he was, you felt his presence with his big heart, appreciation for family and his infectious smile. His shoes could never be filled. Xxoo

Nos sincères condoléances Hélène et famille. Nous pensons à vous pendant ces moments difficiles. Nos prières vous accompagnent.
Solange (Labonté) et Marcel Thibault

Sincere condolences Rheal, Helene, and Julie on the untimely passing of Denis. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers.

mes sympathies sincères à votre famille, Rhéal, Hélène et Julie. Très triste d’entendre de ces nouvelles.

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Bon courage pour traverser cette épreuve.

Dear Ray, Helene, Julie,Aidan, Alice, Dominic, & Catherine:
Thinking of everyone during this very difficult time. I have great memories of Denis..I remember when. he was born. Babysitting him & Julie. He was always so kind hearted & thoughtful..
Sending thoughts & prayers during this difficult time.
Hugs Bren

Recevez, Hélène Rheal Julie mes plus sincères condoléances suite au décès de Denis parti trop jeune. Je garde un bon souvenir de Denis son sourire, sa joie de vivre et son humour. du temps où je demeurais sur Lakeshore rd. Qu’il repose en Paix.

Merci Julie
De partager cette messe virtuelle pour Denis.
Mes pensées et mes prières pour le repos de son âme et pour du courage pour toi, tes parents et famille pour ce que l’avenir vous réserve.
RIP Denis

Au nom de la Société de recherche sur le cancer, mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux proches. Mes pensées sont avec vous. – Manon Pepin, présidente et cheffe de la direction, Société de recherche sur le cancer

On behalf of the Cancer Research Society, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones. My thoughts are with you. – Manon Pepin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Research Society

I just found out of the sad passing of Denis Larose. I was checking about the Father’s Day car show that is usually held annually at the Billings Estate in Ottawa. I always liked to attend that show with one of my vintage cars. It was nice chatting with the other car collectors and enjoying the live music from the large covered stage/dining pavilion. I had a mental setback in 2021 and still recovering from that. I wanted to extend my deepest sympathies to Rheal, Helene and families at this most difficult time.

Bruce Pettinger / Brockville, Ontario

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Bon courage pour traverser cette épreuve. Ça été un grand plaisirs d’avoirs connus Denis repose en paix
Voisin de Réal
Daniel et Micheline Geoffroy

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