Denis Bédard est décédé paisiblement dans sa maison à Orléans le 13 juin 2024 avec à ses côtés sa femme et âme soeur Josée, sa fille Virginie (Jason Harrison) et son futur petit-enfant ainsi que Isaac (Julie Tessier).
Denis a profondément marqué la communauté d’Orléans en prenant l’initiative de maintenir les sentiers du « Billberry Creek Ravine » en parfait état, ce qui n’est pas passé inaperçu auprès des autres membres de la communauté et de la ville. Un banc commémoratif sera placé dans le parc en sa mémoire au courant des prochaines semaines.
Pour ceux qui le connaissait, il était un mari et père de famille dévoué, surtout fier de ses enfants. Toujours souriant, il prenait grand plaisir dans son jardin et savait faire rire le monde avec les centaines de blagues qu’il avait en tête. Il était très aimé et sera énormément manqué.
Né à Chibougamau, Québec, il était jumeau et le plus jeune des enfants de feu Blandine Demers et de feu Stolan Bédard.
Il laisse dans le deuil ses frères et sœurs; Rolande (Christian Boily), Luc, Noëlla (Roger Leduc), Marc, son jumeau Guy (Lucie Tanguay) ainsi que sa belle-sœur Louise Perreault (Benoit Barbe) et beau-frère Yves Perreault (Sylvie Desjardins) et 18 neveux et nièces.
Un merci spécial à l’équipe d’oncologie et de soins palliatifs de l’hôpital Général.
Famille et ami(e)s sont invité(e)s à une célébration de la vie au Complexe Funéraire Héritage : 1250, chemin Trim Orléans, ON le mercredi 19 juin, 2024 de 16h à 19h. Ces enfants partageront des mots de sentiments vers 18h.
En mémoire de Denis des dons à La Société Canadienne du Cancer seraient grandement appréciés.
Denis Bédard passed away peacefully in his home in Orléans on June 13, 2024, with his wife and soulmate Josée, his daughter Virginie (Jason Harrison), their future grandchild, as well as Isaac (Julie Tessier) by his side.
Denis made a profound impact on the Orléans community by taking the initiative to maintain the trails of the « Billberry Creek Ravine » in perfect condition, which did not go unnoticed by other community members and the city. A commemorative bench will be placed in the park in his memory in the coming weeks.
For those who knew him, he was a devoted husband and father, especially proud of his children. Always smiling, he took great pleasure in his garden and knew how to make people laugh with the hundreds of jokes he kept tucked away in his mind. He was very loved and will be greatly missed.
Born in Chibougamau, Quebec, he was a twin and the youngest child of the late Blandine Demers and the late Stolan Bédard.
He is survived by his brothers and sisters; Rolande (Christian Boily), Luc, Noëlla (Roger Leduc), Marc, his twin Guy (Lucie Tanguay) as well as his sister-in-law Louise Perreault (Benoit Barbe) and brother-in-law Yves Perreault (Sylvie Desjardins) and 18 nieces and nephews.
Special thanks to the oncology and palliative care team at the General Hospital.
Family and friends are invited to a celebration of life at the Heritage Funeral Complex: 1250 Trim Road, Orléans, ON on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. His children will share words of sentiment around 6 p.m.
In memory of Denis, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated.
As a former colleague I’ll always remember the laughs you brought to all of us during our lunch hour at work. Your sense of humour was wonderful and unique. What a memory for jokes! Maybe you should have pursued stand up instead?? You were also a very caring, honest, tell it like it is person. I’m so glad we got to see each other recently. You’ll be greatly missed by your family and many friends. Rest in peace my friend.
Denis was an amazing person and a dear friend. With the knowledge he shared, the stories he told, to the jokes he regaled us with, our world now feels emptier and less joyful. Denis had a kind heart, incredible mind, and a brave spirit. His humour, courage and optimistic outlook on things, even in times of great adversity, is inspirational and one of his lasting legacies. I appreciated your astute insights, and will never forget our splendid walks in your beloved Bilberry Creek park. In so many ways, you left this world a better place. You will be greatly missed but not forgotten.
En ces moments difficiles et de tristesse, nous vous offrons Josée, Virginie et Isaac, nos condoléances les plus sincères.
Sachez que nos pensées sont tournées vers vous.
Peter Zvalo and Christine Beauregard-Zvalo
Denis was not just a work colleague, but a great friend. He was not only known for his constant jokes (some better than others), but also for his homemade incredibly intolerable hot sauce and impeccable garden. The world is a better place for having had him in it. Thank you for that, Denis.
To Josee, Virginie and Isaac, my deepest condolences to you all. You are all in my thoughts.
You were so wonderful to so many Denis, and you were an absolute delight to work with! You always knew how to brighten up someone’s day, and your good natured spirit brought so much joy to every gathering we had! We’ll Miss You Lots!!
I will always remember Monsieur BÉDARD for his chats, and his sense of humour. He brought interesting conversations, crazy, but very funny jokes to our workplace and whenever we had a ‘Boyz Night Out’ or we were on our weekend excursions. His lunchtime tradition almost every week was the sharing of his favourite dish, his home cooked chicken wings and he provided the sriracha sauce along with it. Always looked forward to having them. Rest in peace, Denis and thank you for the memories. To Josée and family, I will keep you folks in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
My deepest sympathies to family and friends of Denis.
Our paths crossed many times in the ravine.
He was always smiling and ready for a chat. We appreciated all the work he did in the ravine . We are so happy to see the bench that has been erected in his memory. We will miss him.
We met Denis in the Bilberry nature trails many years ago and always looked forward to a quick chat. We saw him almost daily while walking with our dog. We so appreciated the fact that he took on the stewardship of these trails, a real treasure in Queenswood Heights and Orleans . We will always remember his friendly face as he charged up and down those hills with his walking sticks. The commemorative bench is beautiful and it gives us a chance to remember him and to say hi. Our sincere condolences in the loss of this wonderful person.
Was both surprised, then shocked to see the bench, placed by the stream, in memory of Denis today. So sorry to realize he has passed away and send my condolences to his family and friends. I cannot say I knew him well but I can say, his presence in the ravine will be missed.
À la famille Bedard ,
Toutes mes sympathies en retard….
Ma soeur est votre cousine Thérèse Michaud fille de Leonie Bedard ( Leonie est décédée en mai 1945)
Lise Michaud