It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the passing of our loving and caring Daniel. He passed away peacefully at home on November 15, 2022, at the age of 65.
Daniel is survived by his loving wife Margaret Robinson, his step-daughter Lara (Brandt Falkenhagen), his brother Jean-Yves (Line), his sister-in-law Ellie Duggan (Tom) and his brother-in-law Randy Robinson (Cathy), as well as many nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. Daniel is also the proud and loving “Poppy” to his dear grandson Jonathan.
Daniel is predeceased by his father Ernest Bouchard and his mother Jeannine Racette, his brother-in-law Larry « Odie » (Karen) and his sister-in-law Phyllis Séguin (Roger).
Daniel was a retired, long-time employee of Nav Canada. He was also the President of CanGames, Canada’s longest-running gaming convention.
Daniel’s family wishes to thank his many caregivers, including Dr. Stewart, Dr. Cross, Dr. Douglas, the staff of the 5th floor of the General Hospital, and the staff of Carefor, in particular Susan. Thank you also to friends and neighbours for their ongoing support and kindness, including Dave, Matt and Ted.
The family will receive relatives and friends at Heritage funeral complex, 1250 Trim Rd., Orléans, on Friday, November 25, 2022 from 2 – 4 p.m. and from 7 – 9 p.m. A service will be held at St-Joseph Church, 2757 St-Joseph Blvd., Orléans on Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 11 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.
Online condolences may be shared at : www.heritagefh.ca
Le 15 novembre 2022, Daniel nous a quitté paisiblement à l’âge de 65 ans. Il était l’époux de Margaret Robinson et le fils de feu Ernest Bouchard et de feu Jeannine Racette.
Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil sa fille Lara (Brandt Falkenhagen), son petit-fils Jonathan. Il laisse également son frère Jean-Yves (Line), sa belle-soeur Ellie Duggan (Tom) et son beau-frère Randy Robinson (Cathy), ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousin(e)s, parents et ami(e)s. Il fut prédécédé par son beau-frère Larry « Odie » Robinson (Karen) et sa belle-soeur Phyllis Séguin (Roger).
La famille recevra parents et ami(e)s au Complexe funéraire Héritage, 1250, ch. Trim, Orléans, le vendredi 25 novembre 2022 de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h. Le service religieux aura lieu à l’Église St-Joseph, 2757, boul. St-Joseph, Orléans le samedi 26 novembre 2022 à 11h.
Vos marques de sympathie peuvent se traduirent par un don à la Société canadienne du cancer.
Vos messages de condoléances peuvent être partagé au : www.heritagefh.ca
Margaret and family, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Daniel has left a lasting legacy at NAV CANADA and I was very lucky to spend the majority of my career working with and learning from him. I know he will be missed by many and it’s heartening to know his smile won’t be forgotten by those who did have the good fortune of knowing him!
Margaret and family,
My sincere condolences on your loss of Dan. I worked with Dan at NAV CANADA for 19 years and he was to go to guy when contracting with major ATC projects and also the Federal Government. His infectious laugh I will remember the most along with his generous time he openly offered whenever we had software applications issues. Dan will be truly missed by myself as well as everyone who knew him. I will always remember Dan smiling.
Dear Margaret and family, I am very sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of working with Daniel at NAV CANADA and from my first day he welcomed me with stories on work, life, games, always a funny story (never just one), and bonding over experiences both insightful and humorous from an earlier employer who led us down a similar path in life. I am privileged to have known and learned from Daniel and to have received so much of his generosity. Daniel will be missed but never forgotten.
Margaret and family,
My sincerest condolences on your loss of Daniel. I first met Dan through my work more than 20 years ago where he was my contracting counterpart, – or partner. His laughter and his approach to issues have been mentioned and I will not forget. He taught me a lot, and over the years I have come to know you both well and dared to call him a good friend. My colleagues that met him and I will always remember him, especially when meeting me at the gate with a great smile and a warm hello
Dear Margaret, family and friends,
I am very sorry for your loss, my condolences. I can’t say enough kind words about Daniel, he was very special, kind, giving, thoughtful and so much more. Always a smile and there for you when you needed him.
Daniel will be missed, I will cherish the many fond memories.
I am so very sorry to hear about Daniel’s passing.
I had the pleasure of working with Dan during my first few years at NAV CANADA, and his genuine, kind, and happy nature left a lasting impression on me.
Dan’s face would light up when he shared stories of his family, or of his gaming activities. He was very proud and passionate.
May you take comfort in the special memories you shared with him. My heartfelt thoughts are with you all during this difficult time.
Margaret and family. I am so very sorry for the loss of Daniel. Like many others I had the privilege of working with Dan at NAV CANADA. He always took the time to guide us all and share his experiences. There is nothing he loved to talk about more than his grandson though. Every Monday he would share a story of his time with Jonathan over the weekend. He was an extremely proud Poppy. May you all find comfort in knowing how much Dan was respected and loved by his colleagues.
Rest easy Dan, I hope there’s a gaming convention going on in the heavens…..
Dear Margaret and family, I am very sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of working with Daniel at NAV CANADA during my time at NAV. He always had a big smile and had a willingness to help others. He will be missed.
J’ai tellement de beaux souvenirs d’enfance lors de vos visites chez mes parents à Marionville. Daniel etait toujours souriant et voulait faire plaisir à tout le monde. Il nous a marqué par sa bonne humeur et sa joie de vivre. Je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances.
Margaret and Family,
I had the pleasure of working with Dan at NAV CANADA for 18 years. Dan was a great mentor not only for me but for anyone new to the department. He had a vast knowledge of the company. Dan was a tireless worker and took tremendous pride in his work. He took even more pride in his family. His love for all of you was more than evident when he spoke of the family all the while beaming with pride.
Dan had a great sense of humour, an infectious laugh and a wonderful smile.
Nous voulons vous offrir nos plus sincères condoléances.
Margaret and family, it was so sad when I heard about Dan. Dan and I worked together (before NAV CAN) for several years. Besides being very competent at his work he was a cheery and considerate person, very generous with his time and a pleasure to work with. He was thought of highly by all those around him. A true loss for so many people. My sincerest condolences to you and your family, I know he will be deeply missed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and family members during these very difficult times. We have many found memories of Daniel when he would visit the Marion family in Marionville. Daniel’s departure at such a young age is difficult for everyone to accept. He will live forever in everyone’s memory.
Cousin François Marion & Yvette Marion
Marionville, Ontario
Dan was a friend, an associate and often a mentor. I respected him very much in his professionalism and he made many a day more agreeable! I’m sad and rather miss him now.
Mes sincères condoléances Margaret, Jean-Yves, Line et toute la famille. Mes prières vous accompagnent pendant ce temps difficile.🙏🙏
My deepest condolences to Margaret and the family.I met Dan when I began working at NavCanada and I quickly realized what a fountain of conventional wisdom he had.Dan possessed a unique knowledge of the various system software packages being utilized and had an amazing background and understanding of the various government agreements that were in place. His patience and ability to manage complexity was superb.
He was never anything but upbeat and truly loved his work.He will be missed.
My sincere condolences to Margaret and family. I remember Dan fondly from CanGames as a kind and friendly man. Dan will be missed.
Dear Margaret and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Dan loved to have fun, to read his paperbacks – he was seldom found without one around. He was the first to volunteer to help with anything and jumped in with both feet. He was smart, funny and had a huge heart. He adored his family and loved to update us on what Jonathan was doing. I first met Dan when he was with PWGSC and I was with Transport Canada – so long ago. I worked with Dan at NAV CANADA and he was so knowledgeable and generous of his time. He was a good friend and will be missed by so many people.
My sincere condolences to Dan’s family. I worked with Dan at NAV CANADA and will always remember his professionalism and his smile.
Chers Jean-Yves, Line, Margaret, Lara, Brandt, Jonathan and family,
En ces moments difficiles, nous désirons vous témoigner notre affection. Nous compatissons sincèrement à la peine qui est la vôtre aujourd’hui. Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous et nous souhaiterions vous offrir nos plus sincères condoléances.
We would like to express our sorrow and condolences to you and your beautiful family. We hope the precious memories you carry in your heart will help you through this challenging time. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Repose en paix cher Daniel!
Michel, Micheline Sauvé- Demers et famille
Margaret & Family .. I am truly sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I worked with Dan for over 15 years at NAV CANADA and he was truly an exceptional mentor, friend and all around great guy. He made this world a better place. He will be missed but always remembered.
Margaret it is with great sadness I learned of Dan passing. I have found memory of working with him especially travelling with him as part of work. Always the most organized and documented among us when reaching a new destination, we would be at his trail half sleeping sightseeing the first day of our arrival. Dan unlike us was wide awake. Dan was enthusiastic and curious and always had a good story to tell making him a good travel companion. The best trips were when you could join us Margaret as then he was completely happy. He will be greatly missed.
Margaret and family,
Our deepest sympathy to all of you. I personally keep beautiful memories of Daniel when he visited us in Marionville with his parents. His smile was contageous and his sense of humour remarkable. He leaves us at a too young age. He will be in our memory forever. May he rests in peace.
Our deepest sympathies to the family. Daniel avait toujours une histoire à raconter. À chaque Noël, Daniel était fier de partager sa passion pour les jeux de société. Il va nous manquer.
Luc Bouchard et Sylvie Rainville
Chers Jean-Yves, Line, Margaret et famille,
We are very sorry for your loss. We will miss Daniel’s laugh and stories. At Christmas, he always had a new game to share with all of us, his cousins. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during these difficult times.
Nous gardons un très bon souvenir de Daniel. Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous.
Margaret and family,
I’m so saddened to hear of Dan’s passing. As a colleague and desk neighbour at NAV, we spoke often about work but we bonded over our shared passion for games. He was one of a kind and will be missed dearly. My condolences to your family.