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Lalande Christian

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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Christian Émile Joseph Lalande

16 novembre 1962 – 17 mars 2023

C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Christian. Il nous a quitté soudainement, mais en toute sérénité, après une courageuse bataille contre la leucémie à l’hôpital d’Ottawa. Dans la dignité, Christian était entouré de sa famille au moment de son départ.

Christian est né à Montréal (Québec), de feu Alice Doré et de feu Philippe Lalande de Ferme-Neuve (Québec). Il est maintenant réuni dans une chaleureuse étreinte avec ses parents si aimants. Christian laisse dans le chagrin Isabelle, son épouse depuis 34 ans, ses filles bien-aimées Dominique (Connor) et Maryline (Matt). Il manquera également à son frère Jocelyn (Colette), sa sœur Sylvie (Pierre), son frère Yvon (Diane), ses neveux, ses nièces, sa famille élargie, sa belle-famille et ses précieux amis. 

Christian a toujours vécu sa vie pleinement. Il aimait sa famille. Pendant quarante ans, Christian et Isabelle ont eu une belle histoire d’amour. Il était si fier de ses filles adorées. Ils étaient tissés serrés « les 4 mousquetaires ! ». Christian se souciait profondément de tant d’êtres chers, de précieux amis et de voisins. Il était un modèle de gentillesse, de générosité et d’amour. Sa famille pouvait surmonter tout défi qu’elle rencontrait, inspirée par sa résilience et sa patience. Il a vécu d’innombrables aventures et fait tant de beaux voyages avec sa famille autant qu’avec d’excellents compagnons de route. Christian aimait les sports. Il a été médaillé en saut à la perche, il a joué au football et au hockey (même en Australie et en Europe). Christian était toujours bien occupé, soit à travailler sur un nouveau projet, soit en aidant quelqu’un.

Christian a servi en tant que pilote d’hélicoptère de Recherche et sauvetage (Labrador ou Cormorant) dans les Forces armées canadiennes pendant 39 ans. Entre autres, à l’escadron 424 Trenton, l’escadron 413 Greenwood et l’escadron 442 Comox. Il a aussi servi comme Commandant de l’escadron 442 et comme officier supérieur d’état-major pour la Recherche et sauvetage au Canada.  Christian a eu la chance de faire son cours de commandement et d’état-major interarmées en Australie. Il était tellement heureux de pouvoir partager cette opportunité avec sa famille. Il était fier de son rôle dans l’Opération Jaguar en Jamaïque. Il était enthousiaste à l’idée de travailler dans la communauté internationale en Belgique au centre des opérations de l’OTAN et comme officier d’échange à Paris en France. En tant que Lieutenant- colonel, Christian a pris sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes à Ottawa en 2019. Il se sentait privilégié de continuer à travailler pour le gouvernement, cette fois-ci comme directeur à Services partagés Canada. 

Une célébration de la vie de Christian aura lieu cet été. La famille partagera plus de détails sous peu.

Les membres de la famille désirent exprimer leur reconnaissance à tous ceux et celles qui les ont appuyés de quelque façon que ce soit dans cette épreuve difficile. Que chaque personne concernée considère ces remerciements comme lui étant personnellement adressée.

Au lieu de fleurs, vos marques de sympathie peuvent se traduire sous forme de: dons à la Société canadienne du sang (don de sang, argent ou bénévolat) https://www.blood.ca/fr/facons-de-donner, dons à la recherche pour la leucémie à la Fondation de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa (https://fho.crowdchange.co/32235), ou s’inscrire comme donneur d’organes à https://soyezundonneur.ca/.

Vous pouvez laisser un message sur cette page ou, si vous préférez, vous pouvez contacter la famille directement.

Christian restera toujours dans nos cœurs et nos souvenirs. Nous avons tous maintenant un ange gardien.


November 16, 1962 – March 17, 2023

It is with a broken heart that we announce that Christian passed away suddenly but peacefully after a courageous battle with AML leukemia at The Ottawa Hospital. He was surrounded by loved ones and departed with dignity.

Christian was born in Montreal, Quebec to Alice Doré (deceased) and Philippe Lalande (deceased) of Ferme-Neuve, Quebec. He is now reunited in a warm embrace with his loving parents. Christian is survived by Isabelle, his spouse of 34 years, his beloved daughters Dominique (Connor) and Maryline (Matt). He will also be missed by his brother Jocelyn (Colette), his sister Sylvie (Pierre), brother Yvon (Diane), his nephews and nieces, his extended family and close friends.

Christian always lived life to the fullest. He loved his family. Christian and Isabelle had a beautiful love story for 40 years. He was most proud of his adored daughters. They were tightly knit: the four musketeers! Christian valued and cherished all his extended family. He had so many close and dear friends and neighbors, whom he cared for deeply. You know who you are! He was a model of kindness, generosity and love. His family could face any challenges thrown their way, inspired by his resilience and patience. He shared countless adventures and trips with family and great travel buddies. Christian loved sports; he was a medal recipient of pole-vaulting, a football player and a hockey player (even in Australia and Europe). Christian was a busy fellow, always working on some project or helping someone.

Christian served in the military for 39 years as a Labrador and Cormorant helicopter pilot of the Search and Rescue (SAR) community in Squadrons 424 Trenton, 413 Greenwood and 442 Comox. He also served as Commanding Officer of 442 Squadron and Senior Staff Officer SAR. Christian had the chance to do his staff college course in Australia and was so happy to provide this opportunity to his family. He was proud of his role in Operation Jaguar in Jamaica. He was excited to have worked in the international community in Belgium at SHAPE and as an Exchange Officer in Paris, France. As a Lieutenant Colonel, Christian retired in Ottawa in 2019 from the Canadian Armed Forces. He felt privileged to keep on working for the Federal Government as a director for Shared Services Canada.

“Christian, to the quiet guardian of the skies. The impeccable and steadfast technician – ensconced in the history of the Canadian Air Force’s Search and Rescue through 39 years of dedicated service. Piloting those to safety – may he likewise be guided to his final resting place in peace. He is likely doing squats and self-directed fitness tests until we all meet once more and he kicks our butts again.” – a close friend’s message.

A celebration of Christian’s life will be held this summer. The family will provide additional information at a later date.

The family wishes to express their gratitude to all that supported them in any shape and form in this difficult ordeal. May each concerned person consider these thanks as it is addressed personally.

In lieu of flowers, if you wish to express your condolences, the family asks that you consider donating to: Canadian blood services (blood donation, money or volunteering) https://www.blood.ca/en/ways-donate, Leukemia research through The Ottawa Hospital Foundation (https://fho.crowdchange.co/32235), or sign up to be an organ donor atwww.beadonor.ca  

You can leave a message on this page or if you prefer to contact the family directly you may do so.

Here is to Christian always living in our hearts and memories. We all have an angel watching over us.

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Nos plus sincères sympathies à toi Isabelle et vos filles ainsi qu’à Jocelyn, Sylvie, Yvon, conjoints et toute la famille. Cousine Jocelyne Lalande et Joel Labelle. xxx 🦋🕊🌼

Isabelle, Dominique, Maryline,

c’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que Suzie et moi avons appris cette nouvelle. Même si on ne s’est pas fréquenté longtemps, c’était évident que Christian était un être exceptionnel pour lequel nous avions une grande estime.

Nos plus sincères sympathies. Bon courage, nous savons que vous êtes bien entouré et cela sera sans doute apprécié.

Vos amis Suzie et Mike

I feel honored to have worked and known Christian at Shared Services. Patience like I have never seen and generally always respectful. One could tell he was a kind and giving man. He has made an impression on my life, and if his legacy (at work!) is kindness and respect, well, that is one admirable man. I will miss you Christian, but your work ethics will be with me always.

Isabelle, Dominique, Maryline,
C’est avec une tres grande tristesse que nous venons tout juste d’apprendre cette triste nouvelle. Nos plus sincères sympathies et condoléances.
En tant qu’ancien voisins et amis, nous avons que de beaux souvenirs de Christian. Il restera à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires.

Nous sommes pas tres loin et si vous avez besoin, s’il vous plaît n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Carole et François

Christian was always such a gentleman who exuded kindness. He was great to chat with and was a wonderful teammate on the SHAPE Hockey team and a great example of of what a member of the Canadian Armed Forces should be. So tragic he is gone, but we were fortunate and grateful to have known him. RIP brother.
To Isabelle and family, you are in our thoughts during this most difficult of times.

Christian will always be remembered for his kindness, big heart and his love for his family. We are so thankful for so many great memories and we will cherish them always! Thank you for your friendship. RIP brother.

Much love to Isabelle, Dominique and Maryline.

To Christian’s family, I am so grateful to have worked with Christian (at SSC). He made a difference and he left his footprints and I can hear his youthful laugh. He will not be forgotten because he left such an wonderful impression. My heartfelt condolences.

Nous sommes vraiment désolé du départ de Christian. Il était un homme exceptionnel et très respecté. Nos plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille.

Josée et Éric

Quel choc de voir ceci. J’ai le coeur si gros et je vous envoie toutes mes sympathies. J’ai d’excellents souvenir de Christian (et vous toutes) lorsques nous étions voisins. Il était toujours chaleureux et prêt à nous accueillir dans votre maison. Je pense énormément à vous Isabelle, Dominique et Maryline et je vous souhaite de la force et du courage pour cette épreuve difficile.

Knowing Christian was and is a great honour. He and his beautiful family were an extended family to many of us. Loving, carrying, compassionate, and giving were his Super Hero strengths. I thank the Universe for having met an exceptional soul.


( Short note about the Super Hero-when I had a hidden wall fire, Christian was the first one to show up 🙂

My sincere sympathies,


Quel choc pour nous d’apprendre cette triste nouvelle. André et moi étions si heureux de vous avoir revu l’été dernier à Pétrie island… nos pensées sont avec toi Isabelle, et vos magnifiques filles, Dominique et Maryline.

C’est toujours une grande tristesse la perte d’un être que nous aimons
À vous deux Nicole et Jean-Guy, toute nos condoléances
Votre résilience contribuera à supporter Isabelle et ses filles dans leur grande peine

I am deeply saddened by the news of Christian’s passing. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. He truly was one of the best pilots I ever had the pleasure of serving with in SAR. His dedication and efforts were second to none and he left the world of Search and Rescue better than he found it. RIP my friend. You may be gone but never forgotten.

Dear Isabelle and family, I had the privilege of working with Christian as my director over the past year and a half at SSC; he was truly a remarkable person to work for. He was dedicated to his team and always made sure we were okay. My husband is also ex-military, so when time permitted, Christian and I would swap stories which added some levity to our work day. I shall always remember him for the kind, thoughtful and hard working man that he was and will truly miss working for him. My sincere condolences to you and your family during this difficult time.

Isabelle and family, with heart felt sadness, my sincere condolences. Whether it be at the Maple Leaf room or playing hockey with the SHAPE team, or at work, Christian always gave you a moment of his time to chat. Always a smile. A true gentleman. In crossing paths for a short number of years, he has left me a memory of kindness and friendship. Peace and strength. Stephen

Sincèrement désolée pour cette triste nouvelle ..Toutes mes sympathies à toi Isabelle et tes enfants, ainsi qu’à toute ta famille.

Carmelle Baril Savaria

My most heartfelt condolences. Chris and I flew many hours together on the venerable Lab at 413 squadron in Greenwood. He as you well know as a pilot and aircraft commander. On his crew I was his Flight Engineer (FE). The relationship between the pilot flying and the FE is an intransigent relationship. During certain phases of flight such as hoisting operations or transitioning into dangerous hovering conditions the pilot had to listen intently to the instructions of the FE whom during those phases of flight had a vastly better air picture. I was always confident our working relationship would yield positive results because of Chris’ professional demeanour. Just as importantly though were those times that were a little or a lot more relaxed. Chris was just a great work mate to be around. Again, my most heartfelt condolences.

It was a wonderful privilege and honour to have known and worked with such a genuine human being as Christian. I was his Leadership Team partner on Operation Jaguar (Jamaica). Everyday was always special in spending time with him. He was so proud of his family, and as a leader he consistently made the best choices day to day. Such a mentor to me. It is difficult to know he is no longer with us on earth, but is nice to feel we all have an Angel now looking over us all. He would always leave you wanting to be a better person. My deepest condolences to his family. Rest in peace my friend. I will always have fond memories of our time together.




Tanya and I were devastated when we heard the news – you have our deepest condolences and our heartfelt prayers for your family every day. Christian was a fantastic boss at 442 Sqn and I always knew I could talk to him about anything. I looked up to him and respected him immensely. You two were so welcoming to all of us newbies in Comox, you really made a it such a great place to be part of that family.
Sincerely, Jason and Tanya

Our deepest condolences to you and your family, Isabelle. Christian was a wonderful man, a true military professional, and Lin and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know him. May he rest in peace.

C’est par le biais du journal des anciens du CMR que j’apprends cette triste nouvelle aujourd’hui. Christian était une année derrière moi, mais nous devions être dans le même escadron car je garde de lui un souvenir encore très présent. Un athlète, et un gentlemen. Quelle dommage qu’il nous quitte si tôt. Mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille et ses amis proches. Bon courage dans ces moments difficiles. Vérité, devoir , vaillance.

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