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Art Guarda 002

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Arthur, (Art), Guarda passed away peacefully on June 14 2023 a few days short of his 93rd birthday.   He leaves behind his wife, Andree Guarda, (nee Pontbriand).

His children, Daniel, (Pamela), Robert (Sue), Louise, and grand daugther Patricia.

Private service and enternment will be held in Rawdon Quebec.

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I’ll remember your strength, conviction and pride in your family and friends. You are and always will be The Grand Imperial Poopa. I love you.

Bob and Sue – So sorry to learn of the passing of your father/father-in-law. What a sad couple of months it has been for the two of you. My condolences, Bob, to your family as well.

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille et plus spécifiquement à sa conjointe Andrée. Je garderai toujours un souvenir de Monsieur Guarda et de la famille qui m’ont hébergé pendant mes études à l’Université d’Ottawa

Sylvain Tessier (Fils de Réal Tessier)
514 219-0740

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