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Arianne Nicol

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À LA DOUCE MÉMOIRE DE Ariane (Renée) Nicol

C’est avec tristesse que nous annonçons le décès d’Ariane (Renée) Nicol le 26 novembre, 2023, à Vancouver à l’âge de 28 ans. Elle laisse dans le deuil sa famille Ann Lavallée, Peter et Félix Nicol (Jessica Paquette), son partenaire Taren Johnson, sa mamie Louisette Demers (Yvon Lambert), son parrain Roch Lavallée, sa marraine Mélanie Forand, et sa Lilo. L’ont précédée son papi Claude et son oncle Martin Lavallée, Pappy John et Nanny Harmony Nicol.

Elle laisse sa famille élargie, de nombreux cercles d’amis à Ottawa, Montréal, Vancouver et de par le monde, et ses collègues en soins infirmiers. Sur son chemin, elle nous touchait par son sourire, sa compassion, son sens de l’humour,  sa gentillesse, sa passion pour les voyages.

Une célébration de la vie a eu lieu dans l’intimité le 9 décembre 2023. Des dons à l’association canadienne pour la prévention du suicide seraient grandement appréciés.


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ariane (Renée) Nicol on 26 November, 2023, in Vancouver at the age of 28. She leaves in grief her family Ann Lavallée, Peter and Félix Nicol (Jessica Paquette), her partner Taren Johnson, her mamie Louisette Demers (Yvon Lambert), her godparents Roch Lavallée and Mélanie Forand, and her Lilo. She is predeceased by her papi Claude and uncle Martin Lavallée, her Pappy John and Nanny Harmony Nicol.

She also leaves behind her extended family, numerous circles of friends in Ottawa, Montréal, Vancouver and throughout the world, as well as her nursing colleagues. During her time with us, she touched us with her smile, her compassion, her wittiness, her kindness and her love for travel.

An intimate celebration of life was held on 9 December 2023. Donations to the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention would be greatly appreciated.

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I only knew Ariane for a short period of time but the connection was instant. All I wish is that I’d had just a little bit more time to allow that connection to grow ❤️ we talked about so many adventures and I will hold her memory close as I do the things we both loved. She will be so missed ❤️‍🩹 an amazing friend, colleague, nurse, and human.

Ariane was a beautiful soul that touched the lives of everyone she met. I will forever remember her infectious smile and caring nature. My deepest condolences.

Dear Ann, Pete, Felix and both families… no words are appropriate for such a tragedy. Comfort if any will be found with time and the memories she left with all of you. Warmest thoughts, positive energies and condolences.

Forever loved; Forever cherished; Forever touched; Forever grateful for Ariane’s presence and acquaintance. Peter, Ann, Felix, from my family to yours, we are here whenever you may need us.

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