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Andre Gagne

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Décédé paisiblement entouré de sa famille le 23 mai 2023 à l’âge de 62 ans. Il était le fils de feu Rénald Gagné et de feu Albéa Garon et l’époux bien-aimé de Claudette Gagnon. Il laisse dans le chagrin ses deux fils, Kevin Gagné (Katie) et David Gagné (Pascale). Il laisse également dans le deuil ses deux sœurs, Dany Gagné (Jean) et Hélène Gagné (Jacques), ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces et amis.

La famille désire remercier le Centre de services Guigues et le Programme de la mémoire Bruyère pour leurs excellents soins prodigués.

Une célébration de la vie aura lieu le samedi le 3 juin 2023 de 13h à 16h au Complexe funéraire Héritage (1250, chemin Trim, Orléans, ON). Un moment de prière aura lieu à 15h30.

En mémoire de M. Gagné, des dons à la Société de la démence d’Ottawa et du comté de Renfrew seraient grandement appréciés.


Passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on May 23, 2023 at the age of 62 years. He was the son of the late Rénald Gagné and the late Albéa Garon and beloved husband to Claudette Gagnon. He leaves in sadness his two sons Kevin Gagné (Katie) and David Gagné (Pascale). He also leaves in sorrow his two sisters, Dany Gagné (Jean) and Hélène Gagné (Jacques), as well as many nephews, nieces, and friends.

The family would like to thank Guigues Centre and Bruyère Memory Program for all their amazing care provided.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Complex (1250 Trim Road, Orleans, ON). A prayer ceremony will be held at 3:30 p.m.

In memory of Mr. Gagné, donations to The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County would be greatly appreciated.

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André, je me souviendrai toujours de notre première rencontre à Chilliwack en février 1982 à notre temps comme colocataire à Halifax. Tu étais le plus sage de notre groupe, le studieux et le travaillant qui se donnait toujours à 200%.

Que de bons souvenirs. Je me souviendrai.


C’est une bien triste nouvelle que nous apprenons. Gilles se joint à moi pour t’offrir ainsi qu’à toute ta famille nos plus sincères condoléances.

Chère Claudette, Claude se joint à moi pour vous transmettre nos plus sincères condoléances à toi et ta famille! Que de tristesse en apprenant la nouvelle, mais je pense que ses volontés ont été respectées! Nous vous souhaitons tout le réconfort et le courage que vous méritez pour surmonter cette terrible épreuve. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous dans ce moment difficile. Toutes nos pensées vous accompagnent, toi et ta famille.

As we go through life, sometimes we’re fortunate enough to meet others we resonate with. I can’t say I knew André well, just occasional work colleagues who sometimes shared a laugh and a nod in passing, but I always had a high regard for him. More so once we started working together at DMSS 7. ‘Quietly effective’ is how I’d describe him, never making a big fuss or drawing attention to himself, and always doing his best for those he was responsible for. I note ‘The Dementia Society’ in the paragraphs above and feel a sadness for both him and his family, who must have had to bear so much. He is at peace now, however, and will not be forgotten by those of us fortunate enough to have called him a friend. Fair winds and a following sea, André.

Un être cher même s’il nous quitte, continue de vivre dans les pensées des gens qui l’ont aimé. » Que les souvenirs des beaux moments partagés avec l’être cher apportent un peu de réconfort en ces moments difficiles. Sincères condoléances.

I am shocked and saddened to hear of Andre’s passing. I had no idea he was suffering. I knew him for many years in the Navy. He was always friendly and cheerful with an amiable personality that made him a pleasure to work with. Always thoughtful and articulate, along with some humour, he would keep us on track with his reasoned logic. He was always nice to chat with and I very much enjoyed our sporadic encounters. I am sad to know that he is gone. My condolences to all family and friends. Until we meet again.

chere Claudette je t offre toutes mes sympathies a toi ainsi qu a David et Kevin ainsi qu a toute la famille…
je me souviens lorsque j ai rencontrer Andre et claudette pour la 1ere fois a quelque pas de chez moi puisque nous sommes voisins de quelques portes ….depuis ce temps nous sommes devenus des amis et de tres bons amis et voisins. je me souviens du Sens d humour d Andre bien a lui, et des fois qu il est venu avec Claudette nettoyer les gouttieres de mon voisin lui en haut de l echelle et moi et Claudette en bas pour tenir l echelle et recevoir les debris des gouttieres….on avait eu de bons rires par rapport a ca…Aussi Andre qui partait avec Claudette en moto pour des rides par beau temps d ete….
au revoir mon cher voisin et ami…tu es parti pour ton long voyage et tu as maintenant une nouvelle adresse, et un jour on se reverra a cette nouvelle adresse….au revoir….

On behalf of the Submariners Association of Canada East, its Executive and Members we offer our condolences to Andre’s family and his many friends at this time. Andre will not be forgotten for his support of submarines.. May all his good deeds be a Blessing in his Memory. RIP Andre. Dolphin 38.

Gagne Andre 4x6 1

Claudette, Kevin and David I am shocked and so sorry to hear this. I have so many memories of André.

We did basic training together. I remember us bartering once, even though at that time Andre didn’t speak english and I didn’t speak french. I still see the smile.

He showed up in Halifax for his classification training with very little english. That didn’t stop him – he completed this challenging training in English while learning the language at the same time. Remarkable.

Then we met up again and served in submarines and I made what I’ve always considered to be a life long friend.

He had a fantastic sense of humour and was utterly dependable. If André said he’d do something, it got done. I was always impressed with his sense of right and wrong. He was always motivated to do the right thing and he was one of the most responsible naval officers I have known.

My heart goes out to you Claudette, Kevin and David knowing the toll of dementia in my family.

André. Be at rest brother.

Serving on the ONONDAGA in the early 90’s, Andre set the bar for leadership and management as a superbly competent department head. Despite the difficult routine we had allot of laughs and I was proud to call him my friend and colleague. It is sad that he was not dealt a good hand in recent years. Claudette, Kevin and David you have my sincerest condolences. Take comfort that Andre is a better place now. I am sure I speak for the scores of navy personnel who served with him -we all respected him for his talent and humility.

It is with a very heavy heart that I learned of André’s passing. I had the great privilege of serving with him in submarines, and of working with him in various other places in Ottawa and Halifax. He was a consummate professional and a great person, and he had a very positive impact on many people, myself included. I will always remember his candor and his open and honest approach to everyone, and everything. I will miss him dearly.

My heartfelt condolences go out to Claudette, Kevin, David, and the entire family. Know that he is fondly remembered.


Patrick Finn


I can’t imagine what you, David and Kevin must be going through giving your great loss. Having first met Andre as trainees in submarines we became great friends. His professionalism and integrity always set a high bar – his humor, kindness and caring attitude was certainly one to emulate.

Elaine and I have very fond memories of our many times spent together and we will miss him.

To you, David and Kevin we send our deepest condolences – know that he is at peace.

Claudette and family, My sincere condolences on the loss of your husband, father and brother. Although I only worked with Andre for a short time at Commissionaires Ottawa, I learned very quickly that he was a forward thinking individual who possessed sound leadership skills and supervisory capabilities. His sense of humour, although sometimes hidden was always just under the surface, ready to leap out at you with his wry smile. Andre was a doer and did not sit on his laurels when things needed to be done. He assisted many of us here at HQs and his presence and good natured character will be missed by all. Rest in peace Andre and know that your family and colleagues will always cherish the time and memories spent with you. Cheers.

All who served with or passed any time with Andre will have fond memories of a fine human being. He lived his life with a ready sense of humour and consideration for all. Deepest condolences to all family on there lost.
Il rejoint ceux qui l’aimait et attends ceux qui l’aime.

Repose en paix Andre

Nos sincères condoléances à Claudette, Kevin et David. Nous sommes attristés d’apprendre cette nouvelle. Nous avons connu André lorsque notre fils Maxime a joué au hockey mineur avec Kevin. Nous l’avions revu avec Claudette, à bord de leur moto sur le marché By, il y a quelques années et nous avions eu une bonne jasette. Nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Claudette, Kevin et David,

Je tiens à vous offrir mes condoléances les plus sincères. Je vous souhaite bien du courage pour traverser cette épreuve difficile.

Toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent.

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