Burial or Cremation, Which One Is the Better Choice for You and Your Family in Ottawa?

Burial or Cremation

There are many decisions to make when planning a funeral. The most important one might be whether to choose burial or cremation services in Orleans. You may have many questions and concerns. The funeral director can help you with logistics, but you will have to make decisions based on your or your loved one’s beliefs and traditions. Here are some questions to think about.

Did your loved one state a preference or pre-arrange for burial or cremation?

When planning a funeral service, whether burial or cremation in Ottawa, you always want to honor the deceased. Your loved one may have pre-planned their funeral arrangements. Even if no arrangements were made in advance, your loved one may have stated a preference, and you may want to go with that. Our staff can help you get answers to your questions to help you make the best decision. 

Are there religious concerns for burial or cremation to consider for your loved one or the family?

Although most religions allow cremation, there are still some that don’t believe in cremation. If you aren’t sure, ask your religious leader about traditions in your religion. Most Christian denominations allow cremation. Cremation is prohibited in the Islam and Orthodox Jew religions. Our funeral directors can help you get information if you have questions.

Can I have a service and a reception for both burial or cremation in Ottawa?

Your loved one’s funeral service can include any elements you choose, regardless of how the body is disposed. You can choose to have a funeral service with the body present in a casket, whether you choose burial or cremation services in Ottawa. You can also have the body immediately buried or cremated before you hold a funeral service. If you do choose to have a funeral service before cremation, you may need to have the body embalmed and rent a casket for the funeral.

What is the difference in cost for burial or cremation in Ottawa?

The cost of burial services in Ottawa versus cremation can depend on what type of service you want and how you decide to celebrate your loved one’s life. If your budget is a concern, our funeral directors can help you select options that fit your needs while honouring your loved one.

What is more environmentally friendly burial or cremation?

Both burials and cremations have environmental concerns. Cemeteries take up land. There is concern that the chemicals used in embalming can leak into the groundwater. Crematories can’t filter out all the toxins used in the process. Emissions are a problem in the industry, even though there have been many advances in the technology. Choosing the most eco-friendly method depends on what options you choose for burial or cremation.

Questions about Burial or Cremation

Can I still visit my loved one with both burial or cremation?

Funeral homes in Ottawa can hold a visitation or viewing for your loved one whether you choose burial or cremation. You can make the visitation as elaborate or as simple as you want. You may be required to rent a casket expressly for this purpose, but it is your choice whether to have a viewing or visitation as part of the burial or cremation.

How much time does everything take for burial or cremation in Ottawa?

The process of planning a burial or a cremation depends on many factors, so it is difficult to know how much time it will take for your specific case. The funeral home usually holds a funeral within three to seven days from death, but there may be reasons to delay the funeral. The cremation itself takes about 3 to 4 hours, but it can take 7 to 10 days to receive the ashes.

How difficult is it to plan a burial or cremation in Ottawa?

The difficulty in planning a burial or cremation in Orleans is not usually in the logistics, because the funeral home helps you with the details. People find planning a funeral hard because of the sadness and grieving. Sometimes, it can be difficult because you don’t know what the deceased would have wanted. You can alleviate some of the stress by using funeral pre-planning services in Ottawa to let your family know your wishes. 

How does burial or cremation affect the grieving process?

Funerals are an important element in the grieving process. They are ways to celebrate, honour, and remember your loved one before the final disposition of the body. Whether you choose burial or cremation, the service brings the family together to offer support to each other. Rituals around funerals help people move forward.

Should I choose burial or cremation?   

Unfortunately, we can’t answer that question for you, even though we know that it is a difficult question at a difficult time. Choosing cremation or burial services in Ottawa is a highly personal decision. We can help you through the process as you make decisions.

Contact us to speak to a funeral director to discuss the options and help you make your decisions.

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